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Pisa e gli Arabi: il Mito di Kinzica (1005) - ZHISTORICA. Pisa e gli Arabi.

Pisa e gli Arabi: il Mito di Kinzica (1005) - ZHISTORICA

Un contrasto andato avanti per molti decenni e all’origine di un mito, quello di Kinzica, che vive ancora oggi. Corsari Barbareschi in Islanda: l'Incursione del 1627 - ZHISTORICA. Nel 1627, un gruppo di Corsari Barbareschi portò a termine una devastante incursione in territorio islandese.

Corsari Barbareschi in Islanda: l'Incursione del 1627 - ZHISTORICA

In quel periodo, l’Islanda contava circa 50.000 abitanti. Le navi nordafricane tornarono in patria con oltre 400 schiavi. Dopo aver passato dieci anni al servizio di padroni arabi, berberi e turchi, 27 islandesi riuscirono a tornare a casa. Qui sotto troverete porzioni della narrazione fatta da uno di loro a tre anni dalla sua riduzione in catene.

Dallo schiavismo allo stato mercantile. TAVOLETTE ENIGMATICHE - Home page. 1874: diavoli neri al Pontelungo - Biblioteca dell'Archiginnasio. When Poland Became Polish – An Interview with Geneviève Zubrzycki. Mikołaj Gliński The Canadian-born scholar discusses the origins of Polish national identity, its tight relation with Catholic religion and the concept of national sensorium.

When Poland Became Polish – An Interview with Geneviève Zubrzycki For Poles much of the historical significance associated with the Baptism of the first Polish ruler Mieszko in 966 lies in the fact that from this moment onwards Poland became part of Western Latin civilization. The Baptism is also seen as the founding event of Polish history establishing a link between the Polish state (and nation) and the role of Christianity. Как придумывали средневековую историю.

Влад Дракула, венгерская королевская корона, право первой ночи и другие средневековые люди и явления, представления о которых в XIX и XX веках использовались в самых разных целях, утратив всякую связь с реальностью Подготовила Анна Адашинская Кралевич Марко Одним из самых популярных сербских народных героев является богатырь кралевич Марко.

Как придумывали средневековую историю

В XIX–XX веках в Сербии было собрано и издано более ста эпических сказаний о подвигах и приключениях кралевича Марко, а также несчетное число песен, баллад, легенд, сказов и поговорок. По словам сербского фольклориста и лингвиста первой половины XIX века Вука Караджича, «нет такого серба, который не знал бы о Марко», а Гете в 1825 году в своем эссе о народной балканской поэзии сравнивал Марко с Гераклом. Un tsunami de légende. Un tsunami de légende Le 1er novembre 1755, un terrible séisme éventre le fond marin au large de Lisbonne.

Un tsunami de légende

La capitale lusitanienne est quasi-rayée de la carte. Le Maroc n’y échappe pas. Where did the Etruscans come from? The linguistic and genetic clues are piling up. The enigma of Italy's ancient Etruscans is finally unravelled. They gave us the word "person" and invented a symbol of iron rule later adopted by the fascists.

The enigma of Italy's ancient Etruscans is finally unravelled

Some even argue it was they who really moulded Roman civilisation. 3,250-Year Old BattleField In Europe Baffles Researchers. When it comes to architectural endeavors, most historians are quite impressed by the massive monumental works across Europe by the turn of the 4th millennium BC.

3,250-Year Old BattleField In Europe Baffles Researchers

But late Bronze Age in Europe also might have brought forth its own saga of warfare in mass scale. At least that is what a huge battlefield in Germany (by banks of the Tollense River, near the Baltic Sea) from 3,250 years ago suggests. Тайна убийства Бориса и Глеба. Viva la Storia - Lavorare. 5,000-year-old pay stub shows that ancient workers were paid in beer. In the ancient Mesopotamian city of Uruk, residents enjoyed many benefits of modern life.

5,000-year-old pay stub shows that ancient workers were paid in beer

The city, located in modern-day Iraq, was home to massive ziggurats that would rival any of today's modern skyscrapers for sheer monumentality. People in Uruk exchanged goods for money, played board games, and sent each other letters on clay tablets using a writing system called cuneiform. The Anglo-Saxon Invasion: Britain Is More Germanic than It Thinks. The fear of a violent conquest of their country is deeply engrained in the English psyche.

The Anglo-Saxon Invasion: Britain Is More Germanic than It Thinks

One of the likely reasons for this fear is that their ancestors committed this misdeed themselves. According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, two Germanic tribesmen, Hengist and Horsa, came ashore on the coast of Kent in southeast England in the year 449. They had sailed 600 kilometers (372 miles) down the coast from their native North Frisia, and had then made the crossing to a green and pleasant Britain. The country they encountered was a cultivated place. المغرب قبل الإسلام - زمان. Machiavel et le Makhzen - Zamane.

Machiavel et le Makhzen Les idées développées dans l’ouvrage le Prince ont inspiré la classe politique marocaine.

Machiavel et le Makhzen - Zamane

Mais comment et pourquoi nos gouvernants ont-ils appliqué les préceptes du conseiller florentin ? La violence politique s’est installée dès l’Indépendance en norme de gouvernement. Ainsi décrit l’historien Pierre Vermeren le mode de gouvernance du Maroc de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle dans Maghreb : la démocratie impossible ? What's the Magna Carta? 10 Surprises on Its 800th Birthday.

The 800-year-old sheet of parchment that is the Magna Carta is often hailed as one of the world’s most famous historical documents because it laid the foundation for the rights and freedoms on which modern democracy rests. On Monday, Queen Elizabeth will preside at a celebration at Runnymede Meadow alongside the Thames River, where John, King of England, affixed his seal to the medieval document in 1215.

A.E. Ecco come l’Europa cancellò il debito della Germania  Britain's 100 years of conflict. Mille anni di Europa in 3 minuti e mezzo. History and Geography of Europe. Britain's 100 years of conflict. Questa sconcertante animazione conta tutti i morti della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Come la rivoluzione industriale ci ha tolto il sonno.