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Real-Time Web

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Real-Time Web Software and Technologies. World Cup 2010 Real-Time Push Web App - Apple iPad competition. Who Curates the Real-Time Web? SXSW was the source of a flood of real-time information on the web. Information flowed from attendees using social media tools to share what was being discussed, their thoughts and their experiences. This information was amplified further by the information be re-shared (retweeted on Twitter) and by other opinions being expressed about all things SXSW. But how is it that you ensure you don’t miss an important piece of information from within your social media connections or even outside of your normal social media circles? From an earlier post on Cadmus, an algorithmic Twitter feed service, you may be aware of the idea of curation – filtering content to ensure that you don’t miss the most relevant information.

It is technology that has made it possible for us to produce, share and consume so much information. SXSW ran a panel covering this subject: “Humans Versus Robots: Who Curates the Real-Time Web? Photo via Blake Patterson Both comments and pings are currently closed. Internet-based Real-time Quote Systems - Review - The Web Developer's ...
