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The Bravest Man in the Universe. 5 | Are Animated Fonts The Future Of Type? We’ve talked a lot about logos in the past, highlighting the fact that a logo can’t just be designed for print anymore, that it needs to work as well for an email footer as a TV commercial as an animated banner ad. So if we all expect logos to be multimedia savants, why aren’t we asking the same flexibility from our typefaces?

Because when is the last time you printed something on paper? Animography is a collection of animated typefaces curated by Jeroen Krielaars that can be licensed as you would any other. And while we all have our stereotypes of what animated text can be--local commercials of monster truck rallies come to mind--they’re a far cry from the hokey flaming letters of LiveType. Instead, Krielaars has constructed what might be called “classic” animated glyphs for words that could look as professional in print as they do in video.

They’re also a whole lot more flexible than existing Livefonts. “I think this is very important,” Krielaars tells Co.Design. Download them here. Jonah Lehrer: The Origins of Creative Insight & Why You Need Grit :: Videos :: The 99 Percent. ONLY BECAUSE WE CAN. The Real Story Behind Apple's 'Think Different' Campaign. Cristal Festival : une danse de la pluie, un arbre qui twitte, un soda mégalo… Quoi ? Le palmarès établi par Petit Web à partir des campagnes digitales européennes présentées au Cristal Festival 2011. Le grand gagnant de cette édition est Filip Nilsson de Forsman&Bodenfors Sweden (en photo), reparti avec une dizaine de trophées pour les campagnes Reebok, Volvo, Ikea et Comviq.

Comment ? - Reebok, "Promise keeper", de Forsman&Bodenfors Sweden. Une application mobile qui aide les sportifs à tenir leurs engagements, à travers la pression de leurs amis sur les réseaux sociaux. - Solo, "Soon to be world famous", OMD/Try/Apt/Magnum Norvège. . - Siemens, "the talking tree", PHD Allemagne. . - Walkers, "Rainy Day", de OMD UK. . - "Secrets behind paintings" de Leo Burnett Poland. . - Ford, "Do it yourself", Blue Team (Mindshare, Ogilvy, Wunderman), République Tchèque. 30 Amazing Stanley Kubrick Cinemagraphs. The Lobby is a multiverse of random things we found on the interwebs, along with the occasional 3AM drunken rants by our founders and their minions. These posts are curated by our highly trained group of crazy, up-jumped, Scarlett Johansson-obsessed, hard-drinking monkeys on a vision quest in a sacred North Dakota sweat lodge at the invitation of our great native elder, Chief Running Nose.

The Lobby is currently the world’s largest repository of dead YouTube links and contains quite possibly the best tasting nacho cheese dip in existence. All In this relatively brief 4,000 word video essay John lobs a metaphorical bomb into the cottage industry of “Exposure Triangle” Videos. It really is time to move on, or at least put some perspective on the Exposure Triangle as an outdated tool in Filmmaking pedagogy. I got a chance to host a Cabaret type show showcasing my favorite songs from the last 100 years of cinema. Blend Modes Graphic Supplemental All Blend Modes Graphic Supplemental. TrueBlood - Dig Deeper. Textify - Visualize images using HTML text. Il était une fois - Ikea et ses 365 films publicitaires. Check-in Publié le 14 avril 2014 On les croyait en perte de vitesse devant le succès du commerce en ligne. Reconnus désormais comme lieu privilégié de contact avec la marque, les produits, mais aussi comme lieu de convivialité, les centres commerciaux « nouvelle génération » retrouvent un avenir grâce à de nouveaux concepts.

Démonstration. Devant la montée du e-commerce, on avait prédit leur déclin. Le concept de centre commercial paraissait presque « has been ». On disait que les consommateurs avaient perdu le plaisir d’acheter. La digitale attraction Et pour attirer le chaland et le faire consommer, chacun rivalise d’ingéniosité. Pourquoi cet engouement pour le digital ? La tendance du Web to Store La montée du click & collect De plus en plus, les sites marchands développent des solutions clic & collect qui génèrent également des achats en magasin tout en facilitant la vie des shoppers.

Les centres commerciaux suivent la tendance. Favoriser le contact avec les enseignes et les marques. Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir - 'Lux Aurumque'. QR CODE - Content-rich Resume. Million Dollar Memo : Home. Million Dollar Memo : Home. Volkswagen - Fox no Planeta Terra - Twitter Zoom - English.


10 Incredible Interactive YouTube Videos. Like a 21st century version of the choose-your-own-adventure books, interactive YouTube videos can up the engagement factor by letting the viewer decide the course of the action, or just play around with the content. With Tippex seeing success with its A Hunter Shoots a Bear campaign, and Samsung and Rogers also testing the interactive video waters lately, we expect to see more creative campaigns from companies in 2011. Meanwhile, we've found 10 top interactive YouTube experiences, from both businesses and individuals, that incorporate gameplay, quizzes and just plain old fashioned entertainment for your viewing pleasure. So, prepare to engage with the gallery below and let us know your thoughts on this potentially exciting medium. More Video Resources from Mashable: