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An Added Bonus of Solar Panels: They Keep Buildings Cool - Environment. When New York rolled out a solar map of the city, I wrote that, as a renter, I didn’t have a strong financial incentive to urge my landlord to go solar: I’d only save about $31 each year. But a new study from the University of California at San Diego suggests there’s another incentive for installing solar panels on a building, particularly for someone who lives on the top floor like I do. The UC-San Diego research found that in addition to absorbing sunlight and converting it to energy, solar panels help cool roofs and buildings. Standard black roofs soak up heat, which is transmitted into the ceilings and rooms below. This is one of the reasons why attics are so hot in the summer. It’s also one of the reasons why my apartment, on the fifth and top floor of my building, is hotter than one on the first floor.

Solar panels, of course, intercept sun rays that would otherwise heat the building, converting them into energy. Although. TAKE ACTION | The Last Mountain Movie. Want to help shape America’s energy future? Here’s what you can do: 1. Spread the Word. Inspired by the film and its outreach campaign, a growing number of nonprofit and grassroots organizations have joined forces to launch an innovative campaign to promote the film and raise awareness to end mountaintop removal, promote economically viable and sustainable energy solutions and direct folks to find meaningful ways of staying engaged in the debate. 2. Support the groups featured in the film that are fighting against mountaintop removal mining and promoting sustainable economies: Maria Gunnoe and Chuck Nelson work at the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition. For more groups fighting against mountaintop removal mining in Appalachia click here. 3.

Join with the NRDC and other groups and urge President Obama to ban mountaintop removal mining and the destruction of Appalachian communities by reinstating the “fill rule” which prevents the dumping of mining waste into streams, lakes and valleys. 4. [Update: New Dates] Big News: Power Shift 2011 set for April 15-18! | Energy Action Coalition.

December 20, 2010 Whit Jones, Campaign Director, Energy Action Coalition UPDATE: New dates! New venue! Power Shift 2011 will take place April 15-18th at the Washington Convention Center. Check out the new Power Shift site to register or get more info. We've got big news! The dates are set, the venue is settled. Power Shift 2011 is our opportunity to come together and define the way forward for our movement. Now more than ever, we need Power Shift 2011. To meet today's challenges we know we'll need a diversity of tactics and approaches, and we'll bring them all together at Power Shift 2011. Power Shift 2011 is being built from the ground up, literally. Be a Power Shift Coordinator to bring your communities voice and participation to this historic convergence.

Power Shift Coordinators will help make this all possible by recruiting people to the movement, and supporting them in their fundraising and travel arrangements to Washington, DC. Let's finish 2010 strong and launch boldly into 2011. Minnesota GreenCorps. - Clean coal is a dirty lie. The SCA - Student Conservation Association | Conservation Begins Here. About NRDC. -- End Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining.