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Using Technology in the Literacy Block. This week’s guest post comes from Kelly Jordan, a teacher from Leopold Primary School, Victoria.

Using Technology in the Literacy Block

This is my eighth year of teaching and in that time I have taught Grades Prep, One and Two. I am currently teaching a Grade Two class.. I endeavour to learn all I can about Literacy education in the Early Years of schooling and I believe my students benefit from my explicit and innovative approach to teaching the foundations of reading, writing and oral language.

A couple of weeks ago Kathleen Morris and I were busy preparing for a presentation we’re giving to our staff next term. The message we are trying to get across is The illiterate of the 21st century will be those who can only read and write across traditional platforms. In our classroom we integrate technology into our daily Literacy program to cater for our students. We are lucky to have access to some great technological devices and our students are reaping the rewards while being engaged with their learning. iPod Touches iPads Netbooks. Global2 Challenge. Global2 Gallery. A Captivating Classroom – share your posts with us. At Global2 we like sharing our community’s stories.

A Captivating Classroom – share your posts with us

This week’s guest post is from Mel Cashen. I am currently a Grade 5/6 Teacher at Lightning Reef Primary School. Easily inspired by others, I am always trying something new, especially around the area of technology in the classroom. Taken from Captivating Classroom This week’s challenge in the Global2 Challenge is to reflect on blogging in your classroom. Welcome to Miss Cashen’s blog. I first began our blog after coming across Kathleen Morris’ class blog and felt that it would be a great tool to bring different links together in one place.

As I had planned I filled the side bars with links we were using in the class, sorting these into different groups and then using the posts to share the work we had been doing. Soon we began to look at how to write a good comment and the power of leaving questions for readers in our posts. Then we delved into HTML, something I had no idea about before blogging. Bright ideas. The Student Conference Series is breaking new ground in flattening classrooms. The Student Conference Series is a presentation series dedicated to students presenting topics they are passionate about to a larger audience.

The Student Conference Series is breaking new ground in flattening classrooms

Each week students are scheduled to present on different topics from Minecraft to Fjord Ponies. The concept for Students Conferences first came from Global 2 blogger, Ben Gallagher. He and Mel Cashen had organised a year 6 student from his class at Meredith Primary School to speak to her class at Lightning Reef in Bendigo about woodworking skills. This worked out perfectly for the Lightning Reef class who were learning to make chairs and needed some wood working skills. Ben was so impressed with how well Harris was able to share and articulate his knowledge he felt this could benefit students all over the world.

Students use the Webinar program Blackboard Collaborate which is provided by the DEECD Virtual Conference Centre to present on a topic of their choice. You can also read about the presentation that started it all here. Introduce your students to SuperClubs Plus.