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DIY 護膚

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DIY 護理品及手工皂材料店價格比較-香港園藝館-護理cafe - DIY手工自製12款天然美容護膚品(Handmade Skincare:Cosmetic) DIY手工自製12款天然美容護膚品Handmade Skincare DIY手工自製12款天然美容護膚品 (來源:互聯網) 健康地飲食,即減少食用加工食品的重要性眾所周知,但是大家對使用美容產品的認識又如何呢?

DIY手工自製12款天然美容護膚品(Handmade Skincare:Cosmetic)

DIY純天然護膚品巧護膚 @ ☆天天養生-健康一生☆ Pinkberryxo: DIY HONEY SHAMPOO  1/4 (cup) raw... May 的 BLOG. 【DIY趣事】超濃縮柚子洗碗精 @ MERU. 雖然中秋節過了,但柚子皮洗碗精的熱度持續燃燒啊!

【DIY趣事】超濃縮柚子洗碗精 @ MERU

親愛的朋友們,讓我們一起來看看「終極超濃縮柚子皮洗碗精」的作法吧? (其實作法與前一篇「柚子皮洗碗精作法」大同小異就是了,不過這次附有詳細比較及說明喔。) 請注意,此次的配方略有不同喔! 可自行斟酌。 香薰 - 愛香薰, 愛環保, 更愛自家製作護膚品 - Other's blog categories. 蜂蜜護膚 - 香氣襲人 - 香氣襲人 - 頭條日報 頭條網Blog City. Healing Cuticle Balm Recipe. Home chefs, gardeners, and just about anyone who works with their hands can regularly have problems with dry, cracked cuticles.

Healing Cuticle Balm Recipe

This soothing balm is packed with a herbal blend that will mend those cracks and make hands soft again. Ingredients: Equipment Double boilerSmall spatula or metal spoon5 small metal tins or pots Instructions: 1. 2. 3. Thanks for visiting the weekend project. How to Make Bath Bombs Beeswax Flower Candles. All-Natural Bug Spray Recipe. This all-natural bug spray recipe is not only bad for bugs, it’s good for you.

All-Natural Bug Spray Recipe

Good because it’s super simple. Good because it actually smells nice. And good because it’s not toxic on your skin. All that and it keeps mosquitos from biting. If you’ve visited recently you would have probably happened by the Citronella CANdle project where you will have learned two things: I hate mosquitoes and love easy projects. Oh, and one more thing, I don’t like toxic stuff, particularly on my skin as you will see in the Natural Skincare Series of recipes. 蘆薈膠變化款B:保濕面膜DIY @ 花與鏡湖. 精油防曬 - 香氣襲人 - 香氣襲人 - 頭條日報 頭條網Blog City. 用過的精油空瓶要怎麼清洗才會乾淨?衣服油耗味又該怎麼辦? @ 香氣狂熱 Aroma-Holic. 香薰護膚品DIY用具 Holistic Health Essence Ideas - Products - Accessories. 化妆品原料-氨基酸起泡剂. 氨基酸洁面泡沫 配方设计*DIY制作全攻略. 对于DIY咱们的保养品,顶好是不要拿别人的配方做来给自个儿用的,因为个体的差异、所处地域、环境湿度等等,都应该是一个良好配方必须考虑的。

氨基酸洁面泡沫 配方设计*DIY制作全攻略

不过 ,万事有规律,DIY也一样,遵循一定的原则,选择合适自已的原料,不断地摸索,才会做出适合已用的好东东。 洁面泡沫的通用配方公式如下图,当然,变化的配方当然不仅仅只这几个, 多琢磨多摸索,每做一次把感受记录下来,经验是DIY最最重要的。 先说DIY前必须知道的: 藏美生技美容保養§化妝品DIY原料. 保养品DIY王晓风.rar等. Y Organic. 起泡劑如何增稠-一個DIY保養品及泡澡錠的小世界. 起泡劑如何增稠 化工行中的起泡劑種類很多 椰子油起泡劑、胺基酸起泡劑 葡萄糖起泡劑、純橄欖起泡劑 弱酸性起泡劑、兩性界面活性劑....etc.


常利用在沐浴精、洗碗精、洗髮精..之類的 但是....如何將成品增稠得漂亮?? 說到【增稠】 第一個想到的是太白粉、玉米粉、麵粉??? 以上是食品。 要讓起泡劑、界面活性劑增稠 **有人會使用添加少許食鹽(3%~5%)的方式 不是每一種起泡劑都適用此法。 Aino個人比較喜歡使用HEC羥乙基纖維素、三仙膠、MC甲基纖維素 用量省,不影響起泡度,也不影響泡沫持久度及清潔度 舉一個製作的例子:碗盤清潔劑500ml 椰子油起泡劑100ml(20%) 純水400ml(80%) HEC羥乙基纖維素1.5g....太稠不好擠唷~ 抗菌劑0.5% 製作方式: 先處理增稠劑---- 400ml的純水加熱至80度左右後,加入羥乙基纖維素粉未 用電動攪拌器打三到五分鐘。 等到水溫降了 再將100ml的椰子油起泡劑倒入 用長柄匙(bar spoon)、筷子,攪拌均勻 加1ml的抗菌劑,再次拌勻即可。 各種精油使用功效配方DIY大全(超全) - 王朝網路 -

B.O.N Handmade Workshop. 。。。

B.O.N Handmade Workshop

《續上文》 某些植物中的特殊成份, 會在蒸餾過程中被破壞或流失, 或因其萃取不易且精油產量少, 此時我們可將其製作草本浸泡油, 以取得其珍貴成份. 山金車浸泡油 Arnica Montana Infused Oil 山金車浸泡油可有效治療瘀傷, 在美容保養上, 可改善皮膚黯沉. 山金車最大的用途是刺激血液循環和具消炎作用, 近來的研究表現老還能刺激免疫系統, 是順勢療法中最常被使用的材料. 山金車可使肌肉放鬆, 減輕肌肉酸痛, 適合用於拉傷或酸痛的肌肉, 例如關節炎、筋骨酸痛、腰酸背痛、扭傷、肌腱炎等, 也常用於膏藥, 治療瘀血和消腫, 亦可添加在眼部產品, 有助於減淡黑眼圈. ◎如皮膚有傷口, 切勿使用. 金盞花浸泡油 Calendula Infused Oil 金盞花(又名萬壽菊)因為價格昂貴, 而且不易萃取出精油, 通常被製成浸泡油來使用.


NATURAL SUNSCREEN. Our skin is the first line of defense Food is basic to protect our skin The summer food such as strawberries, blueberries , raspberries , cherries and fruits ( of all kinds) , beans , nuts, and a variety of vegetables – are some of the foods with higher levels of antioxidants in the world … just what our bodies need for healthy skin and a natural sun protection .


How to understand the SPF : The SPF or sun protection factor indicates how much longer a sunscreen increases the capacity of natural skin defense before coming to burn a person using a product for protection against erythema or redness of the skin prior to the burn. For example , a person with fair skin that usually starts to burn after 10 minutes in the sun , take 15 times as long with SPF 15 (150 minutes or 2.5 hours).

The FPS cone is speaking of time used to increase the protective factor of 15 to 50 no longer just have more protection. Ingredients that naturally protect us from the sun Raspberry seed oil . ALL THINGS AROMATIC. Ridiculously over priced products, particularly aromatherapy ones can really get under my skin.


A pillow spray (with who knows what in it) caught my attention a while back, it weighed in at the price of €24.00. Why would you want to spray liquid onto your pillow. A bottle of pure Certified Organic AOC Lavender costs €8.50, simply put 1-2 drops under your pillow or onto cotton wool and then in the pillowcase. This would last you approx 6-12 months! A ‘Deep Relax Balm’ featured in ‘great travel products’ column a few weeks ago. I have chosen a selection of relaxing organic essential oils that blend well together. There is a bit of reading here, but it will be worth while and the recipe is short and very easy to make. Ideal for travelling, de-stressing and to help promote restful sleep. Beeswax, like everything, is available in a variety of qualities. N款乳木果DIY护肤品. 一、乳木果护手霜——滋润保湿修复(了解热作型乳化剂) 乳油木果脂(SheaButter)又称为「雪亚脂」,是从乳油木果仁中提炼出来的油脂,它含有可皂化的脂肪及脂肪酸、肉桂酸、植物固醇(Phytosterols)及维生素E,具有极佳的修护、抗炎、与肌肤愈合功效,最适合婴儿及过敏性肌肤的人使用,由于乳油木果脂这类成份分比例高达8%(一般植物油比例还不到1%),这足以解释为何乳油木果脂对搔痒等肌肤发炎情形是具有何等神奇的功效。


乳油木果脂与一般植物油不太相同,是一种高级油脂,外观是膏状的(有点像冷冻的猪油),在常温下呈现固体型态,略带有淡淡的米黄色,有点像是奶油一样,气味很淡,具有十分良好的保湿作用,添加在乳霜乳液或者护唇膏中,能增加滋润度及光泽,是百货公司专柜品牌经常添加在保养品中的一种高级成份! DIY 護理品及手工皂材料店價格比較-香港園藝館 -