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University of Leeds Careers Centre Blog. Fancy a career in the ever growing IT or Computing sector?

University of Leeds Careers Centre Blog

In this blog post Senior Careers Consultant, Caroline Williams explains how to break in to the industry, IT graduate or not! Imagine a world without IT? Most of us probably can’t as it is a massive industry both for personal and businesses use – most organisations nowadays have some sort of IT presence. Therefore there are many opportunities available within the sector – not just in the big IT companies. It is predicted that the recruitment of graduates for this sector is due to increase by 15% from 2012 to 2013. Careers in the digital industry: Not just about the tech. Think digital careers are just for ‘techy’ people?

Careers in the digital industry: Not just about the tech

Think again. Digital now impacts on every area of life and is creating lots of opportunities in various roles across all sectors. This post is a summary of a careers event run by Amy & Lauren from Bubble Jobs at the University of Leeds in April 2015. What is the digital industry? The industries that spring to mind when you think about digital are probably ones such as media, technology, digital marketing, and so on. What are the key job roles? Advice on getting your first tech job – from an IT recruitment agency. This guest post was created in collaboration with Venturi Group – one of the UK’s top IT recruitment agencies.

Advice on getting your first tech job – from an IT recruitment agency

As an IT recruitment agency, we work with recent graduates every day. For many students, getting that first foot on the career ladder after finishing university is a daunting prospect. While some nerves are unavoidable, there are things you can do to give yourself a headstart in today’s competitive job market. Below we have outlined some advice on what to do before beginning your search for your first role in the tech industry. InformationTech. 'Why do you want to work for us?' Application and interview answers IT companies want. M1 Tricky interview questions asked at Apple interviews. BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT. 5 Key Steps to Becoming a Highly Valued Cloud Computing Expert.

0 Flares Twitter 0 Facebook 0 LinkedIn 0 Email -- 0 Flares × There’s never been a better time to work in the cloud computing industry.

5 Key Steps to Becoming a Highly Valued Cloud Computing Expert

As enterprises modernize their IT and adopt agile and DevOps processes, they’re moving in increasing numbers to cloud-based environments. And the result has been a huge demand for people with cloud expertise. The market is particularly buoyant in the US, where cloud professionals are amongst the highest earners in the IT sector. And the boom isn’t just restricted to technical roles. Four options to pursue a career in cloud computing. 9 Great job sites to kick start your career in cloud computing. It’s a great time to be in the cloud computing industry.

9 Great job sites to kick start your career in cloud computing

As established companies move toward cloud technologies, companies expand IT departments, and new companies form, IT professionals with cloud computing skills are in high demand. Computerworld’s 2017 salary survey showed that, compared to all IT professionals, those working in cloud computing were commanding the highest compensation, at an average of $129,743. In this post, we’ll look at some of the most common cloud positions that companies are hiring for and where to look for your next cloud computing job. If you’re looking to start a career in cloud computing, these are some of the most common roles that require cloud skills. Engineer is your general purpose engineer for building features and fixing bugs in any type of application.

Data engineer is the gateway to business insight. The system administrator maintains various IT systems. The architect is your IT city planner. 9 Great job sites to start with. Qualifications and Certifications. Specialist Groups. Contractor UK - for UK IT Contractors, IT Contracting and Computer Freelancers. Engineering Council - recognising professional excellence - Engineering Council Home.

Home - Engineering Opportunities. Institution of Analysts and Programmers. Institute of Consulting. The Institution of Engineering and Technology - The IET. Jobstats - IT Jobs Salary Rates and Market Information. National Computing Centre. IT Sector Guide 2016 17. Overview of the IT sector in the UK. At the centre of everyday life and found in almost all industries and businesses, information technology provides employment for vast numbers of people.

Overview of the IT sector in the UK

SFIA - Skills Framework for the Information Age. Homepage. Home - The Tech Partnership. TechUK - Representing the tech industry in the UK. Multimedia Careers. Multimedia covers a wide variety of job areas including web design, computer games design, advertising graphics, animation and new media.

Multimedia Careers

Multimedia is used in libraries, museums, security systems, cable TV, publishing houses, schools, retailers, films, games, training and video conferencing. Much of the work is freelance work and can be done working from home. You need to be adaptable - able to cope with constant change. Able to learn new things quickly, client focused with good team skills and able to work in project teams. There is a need for multimedia developers - Flash Developers, network engineers, legal and “rights” experts, publishers, graphic artists, sound experts, animators, authors/content providers, project managers, picture researchers.

Employers look for knowledge of specific packages e.g. Common job areas: Web Designer/Developer Multimedia Designer Software Developer/Programmer IT Support/Helpdesk On-line publishing – editorial/design Animation Major companies include: