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3 Steps to Build a Social Media Marketing Sales Funnel. Are you looking for a smart way to use social channels for lead conversion?

3 Steps to Build a Social Media Marketing Sales Funnel

Are you tracking and leveraging your target customers’ path to buying your product? Collecting fans and followers is one thing, converting them to paying customers can be quite another. That is, unless you have a customized sales funnel in place. In this article you’ll discover how to put together a marketing and sales funnel with the right channels and key trackable metrics. You’ll also find advice on how to test and tweak your funnel for maximum boost. Why Is Your Marketing and Sales Funnel Such a Big Deal? Social media marketing is about using social networks and tools to guide prospects through a series of steps–a funnel–to get them to take the actions you want (e.g., becoming a fan, sharing their email address or buying your products or services). There are tons of social media tools, networks and options that include everything from Facebook and Twitter to landing pages and email marketing to SEO and ads.


Twitter. Performance social media. Budget medias sociaux. Secteurs. La grande distribution cherche de nouveaux amis (clients) sur les réseaux sociaux. Depuis qu'elles ont découvert l'attrait des réseaux sociaux, les marques de grande distribution y sont de plus en plus présentes.

La grande distribution cherche de nouveaux amis (clients) sur les réseaux sociaux

Le blog « Je bosse en grande distribution » vient de publier un classement référençant les distributeurs les plus populaires sur les réseaux sociaux (l'enquête prend en compte les réseaux Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube et Google+). Après un démarrage hésitant ces dernières années, les grandes enseignes de la distribution multiplient désormais les « like » et autres « followers ».

Nestlé : « même gratuit, un mauvais post sur les réseaux sociaux est destructeur de valeur » Qui ?

Nestlé : « même gratuit, un mauvais post sur les réseaux sociaux est destructeur de valeur »

Jérôme François, Directeur Général de la communication consommateurs de Nestlé France. Quoi ? Une interview sur la vision du Community Management et des réseaux sociaux chez Nestlé, extraite de l'ouvrage Community management : Fédérer des communautés sur les médias sociaux de Paul Cordina (Chef de Produit CRM et Digital Senior chez Nestlé) et David Fayon (Responsable prospective et veille SI à La Poste) qui parait aux éditions Pearson le 13 septembre. Des exemples concrets pour mesurer le ROI des médias sociaux. Cette semaine, je vais m’intéresser de plus près aux différentes méthodes dont dispose le Community Manager / Responsable marketing pour mesurer le retour sur investissement de ses actions effectuées sur les médias sociaux.

Des exemples concrets pour mesurer le ROI des médias sociaux

Ce retour peut s’évaluer sous une forme monétaire, mais pas seulement. Certaines actions mises en place vous permettront d’intensifier le lien entre votre marque et vos clients/prospects de manière plus intense que par l’utilisation d’autres supports de communication.


Slideshare. Pinterest. 5 Companies That Are Rocking Social Media [Infographic] These days more and more companies and brands are turning to social media to promote themselves, but some of these companies stand out from the crowd.

5 Companies That Are Rocking Social Media [Infographic]

Voltier Digital has put together an infographic that lists 5 Companies That Are Rocking Social Media. Read on and check out the infographic below to find out more. So which companies made Voltier Digital’s cut? They didn’t go with the big obvious brands, like Old Spice or Skittles. Rather, they chose five brands that are rocking social media a little less obviously, boosting productivity, serving customers and doing an all-around awesome job. Check out the infographic below and let us know what you think. HOWTO: Get More Twitter Retweets, Facebook Likes, Blog Comments And Email Clicks [STUDY]


How to Use SlideShare to Generate Leads. Do you want more leads?

How to Use SlideShare to Generate Leads

Have you looked into SlideShare? This article will give you 10 tips to maximize your leads with SlideShare. Why SlideShare? The rise of visual content marketing is forcing marketers everywhere to re-evaluate their overall strategy. No longer can a marketing professional rely solely on white papers and blog posts to get their message to prospective buyers and customers.

It’s now vital to include a visual element across all marketing campaigns. SlideShare is an essential part of any successful content marketing strategy for many businesses. Anyone can view presentations and documents on topics that interest them and download and reuse or remix material for their own work. Here are 10 tips that can help you take advantage of this trend in visual marketing and turn SlideShare into a lead generating machine for your business. #1: Base Your Presentation on a Topic on Which You are an Expert The goal of content is to establish yourself as an expert in your field. What to Expect from Social Media Advertising in 2013. Social media advertising has really taken off in 2012, but what does the future hold?

What to Expect from Social Media Advertising in 2013

Here’s what I’m expecting to see in 2013. Having had its IPO earlier this year, Facebook’s attention in 2012 has been firmly on how to make money from the huge amount of data it holds about its one billion members. It’s not exactly going out on a limb to suggest this will be their main concern going into 2013 too. However, I think there will be some significant changes to how it’s done. New in-feed adverts Facebook has introduced this year have annoyed some users, but on the campaigns we’ve run at the HPS Group, they have delivered fantastic ROI. I think the ads themselves will become better too, with targeting becoming even more refined and focused. It’s not just Facebook that will be looking to make more from brands though. LinkedIn has made big changes in the last few months relatively quietly, but I think they’re preparing for a major (and much-needed) overhaul of their offering for brands.

Cedric : Stratégie Internet, Digitalisation et Social Business.