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Erlang Factory - SF Bay Area 2009 - Talks. Apache CouchDB: The CouchDB Project. Couchdb Wiki. Teenage mutant ninja hero coders » Blog Archive » Building a Track and Trace Application with CouchDB. Background In my compay we use a logistics application called huLOG . Part of huLOGs ( award winning ) functionality is to aggregate track and trace events from about two dozen sources. The events are schema free in there nature: some might contain a ZIP code, some may geographic coordinates attached, some relate to a certain packet or pallet (called “movable unit” in huLOG-spreak) some relate to a certain shipment (which is a group of movable units).

My first approach was an SQL database. In summer 2007 we experienced severe performance problems with DoDoStorage. So we decided to solve the DoDoStorage speed issues with more hardware for the time being. In Fall 2008 the landscape for CouchDB hat changed: it was now the hot thing in database technology and everybody’s darling. CouchDB 0.9 came around and it started to look usable for serious use. In December we started migrating services and data over to a CouchDB based system. Data Model One thing about my choice of keys (the _id field). CouchDB: Technical Overview. A Database for the Web CouchDB is a database that completely embraces the web.

Store your data with JSON documents. Access your documents with your web browser, via HTTP. Query, combine, and transform your documents with JavaScript. CouchDB comes with a suite of features, such as on-the-fly document transformation and real-time change notifications, that makes web app development a breeze. See the introduction , technical overview , or one of the guides for more information.

Want to Contribute? CouchDB is an open source project. One of the first things you should do is actually use CouchDB, and get to know it, read about it, evangelise it, and engage with the wider community. Why don’t you check out JIRA and help us triage some of those issues? Do you want to contribute code? Relax with CouchDB. An Introduction to gen_server: “ErlyBank” | spawn_link.

Introduction to the Open Telecom Platform | spawn_link.