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Planters & Plant Stands

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A Girl & a Glue Gun. Be Different Act Normal. Best Friends for Frosting. Whenever I see anything that has to do with pineapples, I instantly associate it with vacation, Hawaii, summer, and so much fun! We all know how fast the holidays flew by, so just imagine how quick summer will be here, again! I wanted to thank you all so much again for taking our 2017 BFFF Survey! I can’t tell you how helpful the results were to me. One of our amazing readers commented on bringing back our greatest hits in fun new ways, which got me thinking and brainstorming like no tomorrow! ;) One of our most “liked” images on Instagram was this Pink & Gold Spray Painted Pineapple. This is perfect to put in a nursery or use as decor at a baby shower or birthday party. . – Clay pot – Pink spray paint -Gold spray paint – Pineapple – Chalk pen – Painters tape – White rocks Photography for Best Friends For Frosting by Andy Johnson.

Best Friends for Frosting. Between looking for a NEW studio space and getting ready to reach so many goals I’ve been talking about for years, we’ve been making so much progress, and it’s already Februrary!!! Don’t you love when that happens? I feel like nothing could be worse than 2016, right?! ;) So the funny thing is that I’ve actually worked out of our home office, co-working spaces, and coffee shops all these years!

I know, so many people think we have an office, but I never felt the total need to take the plunge over the years. But, I have to tell you, I do feel like 2017 is FINALLY the year to go for it for a whole running list of reasons! ;) I’ve been visualizing SOOOO many ideas that I can hardly wait to share with you guys! I’ve even started a Pinterest board for it – of course! Speaking of ideas, I’ve been on such a planter kick lately! I hope this post inspires you to make something that brightens up your favorite room in your house! – Clay pot – Pink spray paint – Paint pen – Cactus – Pink rocks.

Best Friends for Frosting. Decor · DIY · StyleJuly 27 I’ve been tallying up our stats and realized that one of our most popular posts is this DIY Hot Pink Clay Pot Tutorial. Fun fact: If you google “Pink DIY Cactus,” the tutorial comes up as the very first two images. Hey Google hey! ;) As I am trying to pay very close attention to what you guys love, I decided to keep trucking with these types of tutorials. I even recently asked on Instagram what your favorite posts were, and it looks like Desserts & DIY are in the lead. When I toyed around with the idea of doing just one color of rocks for this project, I just couldn’t decide…light pink…hot pink…white…why not all of them?!

Materials: PotSoilPlantAquarium RocksSpray paint in whiteAcrylic paint in hot pink and light pinkBrushes Instructions: First, spray paint the base of your pot white and allow it to dry. Photography for Best Friends For Frosting by Andy Johnson. DIY Enthusiasts. DIY Garden Don’t you get excited about this time of the year with lots of sunshine and warm weather? In the spring, it’s time for some refreshing craft projects and a cool flower pots makeover. There are plenty of ways to dress them up but this idea for decorating flower pots is probably one of the easiest. All you need is a small clay flower pot, unused fabric wastes, white glue, brushes, waterproofing spray, white latex paint and masking tape.

Decorating flower pots – Start doing the project 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Fabulessly Frugal. With Mother’s Day coming up and spring in full swing, what better activity than a making a fun, fresh, personalized planter pot. It is simple and beautiful. In this tutorial I will make two styles, fabric-covered planter pots and painted planter pots. This would be a fun project to do with your children, and make a great gift to give to your own mother or friends. The Supplies: Terra-cotta planter pots (your choice of size- I did one 6 ” and two small pots)Round Terra-cotta base (only necessary if there is a drainage hole in the bottom of the pot you choose)FabricE6000 Industrial Strength AdhesiveScissorsPenCraft paintsponge brushPlant or soil and seeds of choice The directions: When you decide what size pot you want to use, be sure you add a few inches to the height of the pot to be sure you have enough fabric.

Next you will want to align the pot on the edge of the fabric. Once the glue has set, cut the extra fabric at the top of the pot into 1” sections. Fresh Design Pedia. Flower pots are among the most popular home accessories at all. They are suitable not only as a container for your plants, but are to be used at the same time very often as original ornaments. In previous posts we have introduced some creative DIY ideas for Upcycling planters and vases. Very often they used used shoes, old handbags, wooden chests of drawers, suitcases and even metal, free-standing baths there. So a plant pot is not only very attractive and unique, but also very sustainable and thus completely environmentally friendly design. With each Upcycling project one operates against the irresponsible consumption of today’s throwaway society. Old items will be given a second chance and they come to new life. Place a special value on your flower pots Today, it’s about 20 imaginative, stylish designs for flower pots, which are small, for this but quite striking.

For the time being in your flower shop good advice You can to beautify your walls or create a creative room decoration. Home Happy Home. Hi everyone! I'm finally back after a long weekend break and some relaxation with the family. We had such wonderful and extremely hot weather this past weekend. My family and I spent most of our time in the pool and as a result I have some very hot pink colored shoulders! I did squeeze in one little project though! I've been eyeing some painted polka flower pots that Amy over at positively splendid put together, and decided to make some for myself! I started off by shopping for three planters in various sizes. I painted the pots in three bright colors and hand painted the white polka dots.

I put small rocks from our garden in the bottoms of the planters before adding the soil. My completed tiered planter. My front porch is finally starting to come together! Hope you have a great day! Amy Linking up this week at. Just Paint It Blog. Life as Mama. When you look around your home do you feel like there are little corners that are a little boring and need some dressing up?

A great way to spruce up a room is to add some flowers or plants in some creative pots. Adding pattern and color on an decorative accessory is a wonderful way to bring some life into an area that is feeling a little drab. Whether you paint the pot all one color, mod podge some fabric on it, or paint simple stripes, you’re sure to find a perfect DIY pot from these 11 designs that you can create and love in your home.

Source: 1. Gold Dipped Pots Gold is a great way to add some extra pizazz to your home. (Head over to The Style House for more decorating inspiration and tutorials like this one). Source: 2. If you’re not the best at painting, try using stamps to paint designs. (For more easy, fun craft and DIY projects check out The Crafted Life where you’ll find many tutorials like this one). Source: 3. Advertisement. Lines Across. Little Red Window. This post may contain affiliate links, if you purchase something through these links, I will receive a small percentage of the profits at no extra cost to you.

Thanks for supporting Little Red Window! Make your own cheerful and colorful stenciled flower pots! Aa and I used to have a whole bunch of houseplants. I think somewhere around the time that O was 1 and we our kittens had to go live with someone else, we gave most of them up. It was kind of freeing to be able to go on vacation and not have to worry about someone watering them. Stenciled Flower Pots Terracotta Flower Pots Outdoor Craft Paint Contact Paper or vinyl Craft knife or Silhouette cutting machine 1. 2. 3. I decided, this time around to use contact paper for my stencil because it’s cheap. 4. 5. Then I filled my flower pots with some cute little succulents! If you liked this, you may also like some of my other posts… Make and Tell. The latest We Make Collective kit is all about polymer clay and boy did I have a lot of fun with this one. It took me right back to primary school craft lessons, especially because the technique I ended up using was one I learnt from my teacher way back when I was a little kid discovering clay for the very first time!

I’m not exaggerating when I say this one is crazy simple guys – after all, if 9 year old me could do it, then it’s definitely achievable for everybody. The best thing of all is that while the method is simple, there are so many ways you can change up the colours or finish to make these small bud vases complete unique to you. Or you could go big and make something larger like a planter using the same technique – that would be amazing! For the full DIY, head on over to the member’s section of We Make Collective. Xx Steph. My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia. Plaid Online. Polka Dot Poplars. Sand and Sisal. Perk up those planters and add a little pizzazz to your patio or deck this summer! I’ve been painting fiberglass planters for years, but did you know that you can also paint on inexpensive terracotta clay pots?

Decorative glazed pots can be pricey, but you can get the same look for so much less. Today I want to show you How to Paint Terracotta Pots that will end up looking like they were custom glazed! Gather the following supplies: Terracotta potsAll-purpose aerosol waterproof sealer ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape for Exterior Surfaces #2097 and ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape Original Multi-Use #2090Drop clothInterior/exterior primer for all surfaces (water or oil based)Latex paint (interior, exterior, chalky finish, or craft paint)Flat edged paint brushHigh gloss clear sealer The first thing you want to do is to make sure your terracotta pots and clean and free from dust, dirt, and debris. The second step is to prime the outside of the pots with a good quality all surface primer. Sand and Sisal. We’ve been cleaning up the garden beds and deck, preparing the beds and planters for new spring flowers. This year I wanted a brighter punch of color and lighthearted, fun feel on the deck, so I decided to give my fiberglass planters a makeover and transform them into Whimsical Hand Painted Planters.

I was inspired by these beautiful planters in the Grandin Road catalog this spring. They look like ceramic pottery but are made from fiberglass with a poly high gloss finish. They run $169 a piece! As beautiful as they are, I simply don’t have a budget for that so I made mine for free! I like free! Grandin Road To make a hand painted planter, start with a fiberglass, lightweight planter. Spray your planter with a good outdoor primer. For this project I highly recommend Martha Stewart Paints by Plaid. I painted the entire planter white first and then I started painting all the raised areas of the planter. Save yourself $170 and try to create your own whimsical hand painted planter! Kim. Shabbyfufu. My love affair with ranunculus hits every Spring and is still going on big time this week. The season of availability is short lived and I'm enjoying my latest bucket full that I picked up at Traders yesterday. I've been calling there every day because I needed some for an upcoming project, and was so happy that they saved these for me yesterday...last of the season they said for delivery around here...

But this is about the bucket... The black plastic bucket that was sitting behind the counter at Trader Joes with my flowers on hold... As you can see...they were so good about marking them for me. Traders is great about things like that:~) I asked if I could take the ranunculus home that way, because I had several other errands to run and I knew that the bucket would sit nicely on the passenger seat in my SUV and keep the flowers fresh... It was the perfect medium size and my wheels started turning to repurpose mode.

He tried using latex caulk and then clamped the two together. Shelterness. How to Build a Wooden Planter Box (via familyhandyman) Window boxes are great things to upgrade your outdoor living space. The cool think about them is that they are also very practical. You can plant there flowers and they would simply make you happier with their charming look but you can also plant there herbs which will be very useful for your cooking. Those window boxes you can find in stores usually aren’t that cheap and they won’t be tailored right for your window so it’s a good idea to make them by yourself. Besides that isn’t that hard especially if you have some woodworking skills. How To Build A WIndow Box Planter (via diynetwork) How to Build a Wooden Window Box for Flowers That Will Pop (via popularmechanics) Handmade Window Flower Box (via houzz) Awesome DIY Flower Box From An Old WIndow (via robomargo) Charming DIY Window Box (via hgtv)

Taylor Made Creates. Back in 2011, one of the very first things I ever “pinned” was this. A fabric covered flower pot, which also led me to one of my favorite bloggers Ashley Ann Photography. I have thought about them for years but the main problem is that I am not a “plant person”. I am crafty and I am a mom yes, but I kill all plants. But I am trying to change that and I thought a cute pot would help.

I used my new Martha Decoupage because it’s waterproof and it’s my new obsession. I cut pieces of fabric and started wrapping them around the pot. I used 3 big sections of fabric and overlapped them so I didn’t have any folds. It dried pretty quickly and I attempted to pot my plant which is a funny story. She lives in my craft room now, I have already remembered to water her :) Is anyone else not a green thumb at all? Also, (this is totally unrelated to flower pots) this month I was featured in an online publication, DIY Lifestyle Magazine!

The Kim Six Fix. The Proper Blog. The Shabby Creek Cottage. Transformations from the Heart. U Create. View From The Fridge. We are Scout.