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In My Own Style. I am happy to say that I have made lots of progress this week with the bathroom makeover.

In My Own Style

I have ripped out the baseboards, scrubbed the floor to see if it could be saved, painted the top section of the wall, and built a decorative frame for the bathtub using molding. My home was the builders “Spec” home – pretty basic – no real tub or tile, just one of those molded tubs complete with its own wall. I have always loved when tubs have decorative molding along the front to accent them and decided to do it for this bathroom.

I had to work around a few obstacles –shower curtain rod not lining up, curved walls in the molded tub, but it all worked out just fine. Queen B & Me. I thought we had the tiniest bathroom ever!

Queen B & Me

I have seen smaller since, but mine is still pretty small, and the dimensions are weird. I REALLY wanted a claw-foot, but we just couldn't find one that would work. The story about the WHOLE bathroom remodel and cost breakdown is HERE. Plum Doodles.