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Cheddar Cheese Puffs Recipe. Easy Mac and Cheese Muffins Recipe. Homemade Mac and Cheese Bites. Author: Nikki These are so simple and the perfect finger food ideal for serving kids and as an appetizer! These are DELICIOUS! ½ pound elbow macaroni 2 Tablespoons butter 2 Tablespoons flour 1½ cups milk 2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese 2 ounces cream cheese ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper 1 egg beaten Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Spray mini muffin tins with cooking spray. Cook pasta according to packaged directions and set aside. In a medium size pan combine butter and flour over medium heat. Oven-fried Mac and Cheese Balls. Healthy*ish Oven-Fried Mac and Cheese Balls This is the one where I take something no one wanted to eat and oven-fried it and then everyone ate it. And look… they are so damn cute too! So in a minute, I’m gonna tell you all about how I made these scrum-diddily-umptous oven-fried mac and cheese balls. But first, let me talk about some nonsense that will only vaguely tie into the reason I made this recipe. Last night I was goofing off on Facebook a little bit, and my sista from the South, Shawna Rae (one of my favorite ex-blogging buddies) sent me a photo of a cake her husband made… Her husband made this y’all.

He’s not a pastry chef; he’s a pilot. I am drooling right now. And although I wanted to send her a retaliatory pic of my dancing mac and cheese balls (because, let’s be honest, that cake was good. Instead, I thought I would share a photo of the last thing my husband baked… Yep. That’s a big plate of nothing. So, yeah. When in doubt, you fry it, right? Ingredients Directions. Easy Mac and Cheese Muffins Recipe. Baked Cheese Balls.