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Dennis Kucinich and Chris Hedges on the 99 Percent - Truthdig Radio. This week on Truthdig Radio in collaboration with KPFK: Rep.

Dennis Kucinich and Chris Hedges on the 99 Percent - Truthdig Radio

Dennis Kucinich and Chris Hedges explain why the 99 percenters are “the best among us.” Plus: Occupy L.A., Obama’s “secure communities” and modern midwifery. A full transcript is available below. Listen to the show: Segments Chris Hedges on “the best among us”: Rep. The occupation on Wall Street has spread to cities across the country, with protesters camping out in downtown Los Angeles since Saturday.

Group: The Story of Stuff Project. Story of Broke. The United States isn’t broke; we’re the richest country on the planet and a country in which the richest among us are doing exceptionally well.

Story of Broke

But the truth is, our economy is broken, producing more pollution, greenhouse gasses and garbage than any other country. In these and so many other ways, it just isn’t working. But rather than invest in something better, we continue to keep this ‘dinosaur economy’ on life support with hundreds of billions of dollars of our tax money. The Story of Broke (2011) "Les Allemands sont persuadés que la France leur fait les poches" The 147 Companies That Control Everything. Search - #15oct. 15oct. Hashtag analytics for #15oct are presented below for the past 24 hours using Twitter's streaming API for a 1% sample of all tweets.


Upgrade your account to view more detailed information. Definition of #15oct Add a definition for #15oct. #15oct 24-Hour Trend Graph Analytics.


Chernobyl. Canada. Chile. Libya. Haiti. Le Monde diplomatique - English edition. La démondialisation et ses ennemis, par Frédéric Lordon. Au commencement, les choses étaient simples : il y avait la raison — qui procédait par cercles (avec M.

La démondialisation et ses ennemis, par Frédéric Lordon

Alain Minc au milieu) —, et puis il y avait la maladie mentale. International News. 1 - Cuba, 20 ans après l'effondrement de l'URSS. Atelier des médias - Web-émission participative pour la communau. Indépendances africaines, 50 ans après : vos témoignages. Ma page. Haïti, le pays indépendant le plus dépendant du monde Un an après le séisme, les Haïtiens se demandent si l'aide internationale n'est pas responsable de la pauvreté du pays.

Ma page

Bettencourt’s ex-accountant says Sarkozy received illegal cash donations. In an interview with the website Mediapart, the accountant, identified as Claire T, says Bettencourt’s financial manager, Patrice de Maistre, wanted to withdraw 150,000 euros in March 2007 with the intention of giving it to Eric Woerth to fund Sarkozy’s presidential campaign.

Bettencourt’s ex-accountant says Sarkozy received illegal cash donations

At the time Woerth was Sarkozy’s campaign treasurer. Woerth on Tuesday denied the charges. The accountant, who alleges she worked for Bettencourt from 1995 to 2008, says she testified to the police about the cash donations on Monday evening. She also said Sarkozy himself was a regular visitor at the Bettencourt family home, where he too allegedly received envelopes of cash when he was mayor of the town of Neuilly. Afghan war files revealed by Wikileaks. The White House has denounced the massive disclosure of documents, which is described as the biggest leak in US military history.

Afghan war files revealed by Wikileaks

The US administration says the information could endanger US lives in Afghanistan. "The United States strongly condemns the disclosure of classified information by individuals and organizations which could put the lives of Americans and our partners at risk, and threaten our national security," said White House National Security Advisor James Jones. Three newspapers, the New York Times, the Guardian and the German weekly the Spiegel, had access to the documents before publication and say they reveal Nato concerns that Pakistan spy services were helping the Taliban. In one of the documents, Pakistan's former spy chief Hamid Gul is described at a January 2009 meeting with a group of insurgents following the death by CIA drone attack of a leader of Al-Qaeda operations in Pakistan. The source of leak was unknown. Il y a cinquante ans, les indépendances. Common Dreams. Leaked Reports Make Afghan War Policy More Vulnerable.

The 92,000 reports on the war in Afghanistan made public by the whistleblower organisation WikiLeaks, and reported Monday by the Guardian, The New York Times and Der Spiegel, offer no major revelations that are entirely new, as did the Pentagon Papers to which they are inevitably being compared.

Leaked Reports Make Afghan War Policy More Vulnerable

The most politically salient issue highlighted by the new documents is Pakistan's political and material support for the Taliban insurgency, despite its ostensible support for U.S. policy in Afghanistan. Sen. Russ Feingold, Democratic member of the Foreign Relations Committee, said that problem precludes any "military solution in Afghanistan. " (AFP) But they increase the political pressure on a war policy that has already suffered a precipitous loss of credibility this year by highlighting contradictions between the official assumptions of the strategy and the realities shown in the documents - especially in regard to Pakistan's role in the war. Adm. Michel Collon - L'info décodée.

Courrier international - L'anticipation au quotidien. La dette de sang ne s’effacera jamais. Le 14 juillet, Nicolas Sarkozy a annoncé que les retraites des anciens combattants africains seraient alignées sur celles de leurs frères d’armes français.

La dette de sang ne s’effacera jamais

Mais l’injustice est trop ancienne pour pouvoir être réparée. 16 juillet 2010 | Partager : Décidément, ce 14 juillet 2010 restera gravé dans bien des mémoires en Afrique. Encore davantage dans la partie francophone du continent, au sud du Sahara. Sarkozy a tort de s'entêter dans l'affaire Bettencourt. Affaire de l'EPAD, du double salaire d'Henri Proglio, et à présent affaire Woerth-Bettencourt : chaque fois, Nicolas Sarkozy refuse de plier devant le scandale.

Sarkozy a tort de s'entêter dans l'affaire Bettencourt

Pour le quotidien belge Le Soir, cette stratégie pourrait se révéler dangereuse électoralement. 30 juillet 2010 | Partager : Une audition d'Eric Woerth, et puis s'en va ? Ce serait évidemment le scénario idéal pour l'Elysée. La visite des policiers au ministère du Travail le 29 juillet signerait ainsi la fin provisoire, au moins politique, de l'affaire Bettencourt. Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names. La décroissance, une fausse solution à la crise climatique. Créez une onde de choc contre le changement climatique. À travers des chansons et des histoires, des personnes des quatre coins du globe prennent d’assaut les ondes radiophoniques pour partager leurs expériences de la crise climatique et appeler les auditeurs et auditrices à l’action, à l’approche des négociations des Nations unies sur le changement climatique à Durban de 2011, en Afrique du Sud. Soutenu par Oxfam, invite le public, jusqu’au 2 décembre, à utiliser le pouvoir de la chanson et de la parole pour porter sur les ondes le mouvement pour le climat.

Un groupe d’artistes africain-e-s, notamment Angélique Kidjo, Zap Mama et Talib Kweli, ont composé une nouvelle chanson intitulée « People Power » (le pouvoir du peuple), à télécharger gratuitement. Cette chanson entrainante évoque les effets dévastateurs du changement climatique en Afrique et dans le reste du monde et appelle le public à l'action.

"People Power" (radio version) par 350RadioWaves. Téléchargée via Gobbler Ca vous tente ? "People Power" (radio version) by 350RadioWaves.