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Une application libre de visioconférence conçue pour les profs. À l'ère des MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) et de l'éducation en ligne, posséder une bonne plateforme de visioconférence est essentiel. Il existe déjà des applications gratuites répondant à ces besoins. Par exemple, le « hangout » de Google + fonctionne très bien. Néanmoins, il n'est pas spécifiquement conçu pour l'enseignement à distance comme le logiciel que nous vous présentons aujourd'hui. est une application de visioconférence à code ouvert qui se veut simple à utiliser et offre toute la flexibilité nécessaire pour les enseignants et les apprenants.

En fait, l'installation constitue le seul élément délicat, dans la mesure où il faut la réaliser sur un serveur capable de supporter le volume de connexions attendu dans votre cours (plusieurs dizaines, centaines, voire milliers de connexions en même temps). BigBlueButton a surtout été conçu pour fonctionner sur le système d'exploitation Ubuntu (Linux). BigBlueButton. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Excellent Resources on BYOD for Teachers. Mobile technology is making explosive growth into our schools and classrooms.There is now a growing trend towards taking advantage of mobile devices to inspire learning and promote students engagement, but the problem is that school districts can not cover the costs of these devices and to provide every student with a gadget would be out of their affordability particularly with the shrinking budgets being allocated for high tech materials.However, several initiatives have been taken to counter this financial block facing the implementation of mobile technology in classroom and one of these initiatives is called BYOD ( Bring Your Own Device).

BYOD is all about students bringing their Mobile gadgets from home ( like smartphones, tablets. laptops etc ) and use them for educational purposes inside the classroom. In this way students will be learning using the technology they are already familiar with and the shortage of mobile technology will be covered. 1- Getting Started with BYOD. Entrepôt Numérique, plateforme de livres numériques -

A Pedagogical Framework For Digital Tools. As a consequence of society’s digitization it becomes increasingly important to use technology in education, in primary as well as in secondary education. Students must achieve a number of digital literacies and competences that can enable them to succeed in a world where digital tools are a natural part of everyday life.

In order to ensure that students acquire the necessary digital literacies and competences, and to ensure that they can critically think, it is important that they are presented with a range of digital tools and gain an understanding of the tools’ capabilities. This places high demands on the teacher. As a teacher it can be difficult to keep up with the new digital opportunities, and it can be hard to assess which digital tools students should be presented to, and in which contexts it is appropriate to use them in education. The framework is based on a distinction between a monological , a dialogical , and a polyphonic form of teaching. The monological form of teaching. iTunes U–The Next Big Learning Management System? As a former iTunes U administrator for my institution I was skeptical about the idea that Apple was opening up the iTunes U interface to any teacher who wanted to upload their content into to share with students.

In my experience, it took months of legal wrangling, careful attention to Apple’s demanding specifications for content and design, and lots of hoop jumping before we got our content online. Given that background I was very wary of what it might mean for teachers to have to take the time to do all of the legwork needed to get their content into the system. So I was pleasantly surprised when I investigated further and found that, because all of the content is private, Apple’s only requirement for educators to use the system is that they have a valid Apple ID.

Getting Started with iTunes U for Educators Step 1: If you don’t already have an Apple ID, you will need to get one. If you already have one, your current user name and password will work. Step 5: Create a course outline.