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Tá linda a edição de aniversario do Meio & #mediaon com o guardian e silvio meira. Rupert Murdoch: the press baron who dared to look to the skies | Media. This article will be doing something that Rupert Murdoch would never contemplate – looking backwards. He may be celebrating his 80th birthday on Friday, but it will not dim his ambition to go on building his already gigantic News Corporation. He looks only to the future. The fact that the behemoth of a company exists is entirely down to Murdoch's acute understanding of the media as a business, as a commercial proposition. He might have done the groundwork in his native Australia, but it was his first two major newspaper acquisitions in Britain, when he was 37, that set him on the path to global dominance. In bidding for the News of the World in 1968 and the Sun the following year, he illustrated a gift for making deals against the odds.

In the latter case, again defeating Maxwell, he persuaded the trade unions he was their best hope. It is a simple enough proposition, but it was an alien concept to his rival newspaper proprietors in Britain. Where next? Murdoch was undaunted. Periodismo con Futuro. New Media and the Future of Business. I was recently interviewed by Israel's BuzzInNews about new media and business. The conversation was translated from Hebrew to English, to share with you here as well. The discussion explores the evolution of social media in business from attention economics to B2B to ROI and concluding with a discussion of the brewing cold war between Google and Facebook. As an expert on New Media, could you provide an insight to what the difference is between New Media and Social Media? Do you think "New Media" is still new, or perhaps we should replace the word "New" with another word? If so, what word would that be and why? That's the thing about new media, it's always new ...

In your new book "Engage! " Competing for attention is the problem with marketing and media and real-time media only heightens the problem. Companies are still reluctant to utilizing Facebook/SM for B2B activity. My advice is true for social media and any other aspect in business. Google vs. Reprinted from