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The Hawkeye Initiative. 12 Highly Compelling Reasons Armor Needs A Fashion Comeback. 6 Rejection-Proof Ways To Catch The Attention Of The Cute, Quiet Guy At The Bar. A few weeks ago I was at the apartment of a friend nearly 20 years my senior.

6 Rejection-Proof Ways To Catch The Attention Of The Cute, Quiet Guy At The Bar

He’s a blue collar guy through and through–Staten Island bred and born, operates a business that he himself built from very little, and comes at ya with a New York accent thicker than the applewood smoked bacon I imagine he pounds on the reg. The type of guy that’s “seen things, man”–but more in a three steps removed, “I might know people in the mob but I’m never gonna get involved” kind of way as opposed to 60′s style “society is evil, man” hippie way. As I’m leaving his very nice apartment, my friend–lets call him Harry–makes a comment about how all this #gentrification has kinda taken away his thunder. How he now looks much less like a dude who you wouldn’t want to cross in a dark alley, and more like like a gay single dad taking his daughter to dance class. Seeing his oddly forlorn expression, it was clear he’s somewhat nostalgic for the old, drug-riddled and prostitute stricken New York. Unpopular Opinion: Gimme More Blurred Lines. Since the debut of Robin Thicke’s infamously erotic Blurred Lines song and video earlier this summer, there has been mass amounts of media attention and a resounding feminist backlash.

Unpopular Opinion: Gimme More Blurred Lines

Blurred Lines has spawned cheeky parodies, essays galore, and late-night attention of Weiner proportions. The song itself may have managed to slip under the radar of feminists…until THAT video. It could not be ignored. The charges: Robin Thicke et al. are promoting objectification, misogyny, and potentially dangerous and pre-rape-y attitudes toward women. WE CAN’T STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. 1. Everything else aside: there are a lot of nice knockers in this video, and everyone likes nice knockers. 13 Tips For Moving Out Of Your Parents’ House Directly After College. Not everyone can move out immediately after graduating from college.

13 Tips For Moving Out Of Your Parents’ House Directly After College

That’s a matter of fact. At the time I began writing this (a year ago?) Thought Catalog published an article stating that 85% of new college graduates move back in with their parents. Bleak, right? Not entirely. So where do you begin? Moving out with no plan and no income sounds extraordinarily romantic, and it is. Just kidding. For some of you, it may be too late. 6 Reasons To Take Him Out Of The Friendzone And Into A Relationship. Every woman has, at some point in her life, longed for the “perfect relationship.”

6 Reasons To Take Him Out Of The Friendzone And Into A Relationship

We have dated loser after loser and yet, we have been keeping the winner on the bench since the dawn of time. He is… the male best friend. As a woman who finally called her male best friend up to the big leagues and turned a friendship into a relationship, I can’t help but wonder, “What the hell took me so long?” Why is it that women keep some guys in the “friend zone,” rather than giving them a chance? After lots of thought, I can’t even think of a logical explanation for the phenomenon. 1. Whether you were sobbing uncontrollably over your favorite chick flick, puking in a bush after one too many margaritas, or on your deathbed with the flu, he has seen them all and didn’t run for the hills. 2. This is one of my favorites because, admit it, at the beginning of every relationship a lot of women are too shy to really eat in front of a guy.

7 Realities of Working From A Tropical Island. In 2009 my life sucked, so I did what any clueless 24 year old would do: I quit my job and moved to Thailand.

7 Realities of Working From A Tropical Island

Dramatic? Perhaps. But something had to change as I could see the next 30 years flashing before my eyes. Cubicles, computers, and absolutely no adventure. That just wasn’t going to work for me. Now 4 years later, I run a successful business, and I do it from wherever I please. For periods during this journey, that has meant running my business from tropical islands such as Bali and Koh Phi Phi, Thailand. That’s the dream right? However you may (or may not) be surprised to know, that the dream of working from a tropical island isn’t all it’s cracked up to be…well, except when it is. 1.

Have you ever been to a tropical island outside the United States? But the rest of the island? It’s home to people making less in a year than you probably make in a day. If you want to avoid feeling like aforementioned asshole, don’t be like every other tourist. 2. Can you make it work? 32 best quotes from Joss Whedon's Firefly.

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Things I want.