Web application testing services. Reduced risk.
Scanning notifies you of new weaknesses frequently, allowing you to take the necessary action to prevent it from getting worse and affecting your operations.Increased security stance. Tools for vulnerability scanning are continually evaluated to ensure that only the most appropriate are used.Completely managed service. Running web application scanning tools on your own can be time consuming and exhausting. An automated scanning service eliminates that arduous task, allowing you to focus on more important business matters.Lower costs.
Cyber Security Threats — Penetration Testing Services. Web Application Penetration Testing — LEAN SECURITY. Penetration testing services ensure your IT system is risk-free by watching over the latest trends, security vulnerabilities and hacking methods.
LEAN SECURITY delivers the ultimate penetration testing services for protecting your business intelligence, IT systems and brand reputation. Don’t select an ordinary penetration testing company, select the best by choosing us. You can never be sure that your business is 100% protected, but we can help change that with our penetration testing services. As one of the leading penetration testing companies, we are recognized as the primary penetration testing provider for a large number of small, medium and large companies. We also offer manual testing so that you focus on business growth and development with complete peace of mind. Mobile Application Security Testing— LEAN SECURITY. Before the testing begins, we facilitate full installation of application and carry out inclusive walk-through utilizing several functions available.
We identify ways on how components work altogether and leverage the flow as assessment takes place continuously. The following are also highly imperative assessments that you need to be familiar with: 1. Managed Cloud WAF — LEAN SECURITY. The smallest bit of code can lead to a vulnerability that can be exploited, and where does a lot of coding lie?
In applications. Most vulnerabilities to a system lie within web applications on that system as they are the hottest target for hackers. The attacks that target applications typically bypass your firewall and other security devices because they can appear as normal, non-offensive traffic, posing an even greater risk to your systems. To combat this, we provide a cloud Web Application Firewall (WAF) Management service solution for monitoring and protecting applications, which, in turn, protects your servers, websites and networks from being hacked or subjected to a data breach.
4 Ways Your Computer Can Be Exposed To Malware While Working From Home — Innovative Penetration Testing Services. According to statistics, several cyber attacks were carried out last year, which calls for cyber solid security nets.
Working from home means working on smaller, private systems that may be more vulnerable to attack. Here are four ways in which your computer is at risk of malware. Issues With Home Computers Computers at home are less impersonal and less dedicated to work as compared to those in the office. These computers can easily be accessed by other people at home who may access various malware-prone websites. Vulnerability Scanner - Lean Security — LEAN SECURITY. When data breaches come from the outside that means there are vulnerabilities inside your network that let them in.
A vulnerability scan will point out those weak spots, determine which ones need immediate attention or pose the greatest risk (ie: whether a breach would result in a loss of proprietary customer or company information), and from there, we determine the best way to remove them as a risk to your company, network and information. We aim to provide your IT and security staff with a breakdown of your network vulnerabilities while also ensuring the protection of sensitive, confidential data and stabilizing your network’s overall functionality. Website & Web Application Security — LEAN SECURITY. Source Code Analysis. Benefits of Source Code Security Assessment to Businesses – Greater Security Business security today focuses on the application level.
Security efforts have been successful in protecting the business perimeter, but people with malicious intention have focused on enterprise applications to continue their attacks. Dynamic Web Application Testing — LEAN SECURITY. Penetration Testing Company - AI-Powered Web Application Penetration Testing — LEAN SECURITY. How to Ensure Mobile Application Security — Innovative Penetration Testing Services. AI-Powered Application Security Testing- Mobile Application Penetration Testing - Lean Security — LEAN SECURITY. Manual Application Penetration testing provider— LEAN SECURITY. Why Is Online Gaming Security Important. In the last few decades, the internet has changed many aspects of our life including gaming.
We’ve evolved from board games to online gaming that comes with various challenges of its own. Online gaming has been under massive scrutiny due to the lack of cybersecurity for developers and players. Managed security services. 4 Ways To Protect Your E-Commerce Website — Innovative Penetration Testing Services. Make Your Website PCI DSS Compliant In an online business setup, a customer trusts your website to keep their financial data secure.
If your website breaks this trust, it can hurt your business reputation. With a PCI DSS compliant website, your website protects your customer’s data from external attacks. How Can Online Gaming Be Used To Scam The Youth — Innovative Penetration Testing Services. The increasing number of scams that are taking place all over the world is unfortunate.
In Australia, 100,376 scams were reported in 2021 alone. The cons are so well executed that everyone tends to become prey to it. This makes the youth, most of whom are uneducated about online scams, the most vulnerable. It has been found out that Australian kids mostly spend their time playing online games rather than physical activities. AI-Powered Static Source Code Analysis — LEAN SECURITY. AI-Powered Mobile Application Penetration Testing - Lean Security — LEAN SECURITY. AI-Powered Web Application Penetration Testing — LEAN SECURITY. Common Web Security Vulnerabilities and How to Fix Them — Innovative Penetration Testing Services. Cybercrimes are on the rise since the outbreak of the pandemic because most businesses have shifted online. Cybercriminals are developing new tools everyday and hunting for any soft targets with vulnerabilities in their network. This blog post will highlight some of the common vulnerabilities that might exist in your web security, and also suggest ways you can fix them.
Injection flaws Injection flaws are a very common issue with most websites and it’s usually a result of not filtering out untrustworthy inputs to your website. Tips to Improve Your Vulnerability Scans — Innovative Penetration Testing Services. A slight flaw in your network’s security can cost you huge sums of money and damage your reputation in the eyes of your clients.
However, by improving your vulnerability scans, you can keep yourself and your customers safe from cyber criminals. This blog post will explain how you can improve your cyber security scans. Attention App Developers: Protect Your Source Code! — Innovative Penetration Testing Services. On the programming side of things, an app’s source code is the developers’ most prized possession. So ensure that the program has the ability to encrypt relevant data in storage as well as during transit. Also monitor the data round the clock to be alerted at once if any suspicious activity is detected. Web Application Pen Testing: Purpose & Importance. Recent research has shown that all web applications are liable to attack. Sounds scary? Well, it is. AI-Powered Mobile Application Penetration Testing - Lean Security — LEAN SECURITY. Here’s How to Prepare for an API Penetration Testing. Application Program Interfaces (API) have become an integral part of modern web application development in recent years.
It is vital to perform API penetration tests before launching a website to ensure complete security. What is API Pen Testing? Web Application Pen Testing: Purpose & Importance. AI-Powered Web Application Penetration Testing — LEAN SECURITY. Here’s Why Digital Enterprises Need Network Penetration Testing — Innovative Penetration Testing Services - Lean Security.
Top 4 Threats Online Gamers Need to be Wary Of — Innovative Penetration Testing Services - Lean Security. Innovative Penetration Testing Services - Lean Security. Secure Setup for Remote Working — Innovative Penetration Testing Services - Lean Security. Exploitative Facial Recognition Devices — Innovative Penetration Testing Services - Lean Security. Security Challenges in Hybrid Cloud Environments — Innovative Penetration Testing Services - Lean Security. Security Risk Assessment - Why Do You Need It — Innovative Penetration Testing Services - Lean Security. Top Cybersecurity Tips for Small Businesses. 5 Best Practices for Mobile Application Pen Testing. Need for Data Encryption for System Security - Contact Lean Security. Cyber Security Risks Of Working From Home - Contact Lean Security. 3 Reasons You Need To Hire Managed Security Services.
The Importance of Encryption for Storing Customer Data — Innovative Penetration Testing Services - Lean Security. Creating a Culture of Cyber-Security at work — Innovative Penetration Testing Services - Lean Security. Best Practices for Database Security — Innovative Penetration Testing Services - Lean Security. Web Application Vulnerability Scanner - Lean Security — LEAN SECURITY. Network Vulnerability Assessment 101. Is Your “Secure” Password Policy Actually Secur — AI-Powered Cybersecurity Services - Lean Security. Mitigate DDoS Attacks With Vulnerability Cyber Security Testing.
Effects of Malware on Websites [Infographics] — AI-Powered Cybersecurity Services - Lean Security. 6 Necessary Security Software for Small Businesses — Managed Security Services Proivder. Top 4 Cyber Security Details New Employees Should Be Aware Of — Managed Security Services Proivder. The Impact Data of Breaches on Customer Loyalty (Infographic) — Managed Security Services Proivder. Latest Malwares in 2019 That Pose a Threat to Your Data Security — Managed Security Services Proivder. Ways To Keep Your Business Information Secure — Managed Security Services Proivder.
4 Most Notorious Australian Hackers — Managed Security Services Proivder. Understanding the Importance of Cloud Security — Managed Security Services Proivder. 4 Effective Strategies to Protect Web Applications. Security Vulnerabilities A Business Should Avoid. 3 Safety Concerns With Cloud Data Storage — Lean Security. Web And Mobile App Security Assurance. PCI DSS Compliance — LEAN SECURITY. Mobile Application Vulnerabilities - Infographic — Web And Mobile App Security Assurance.
Your browser isn't supported. Your browser isn't supported. Web And Mobile App Security Assurance. 5 Reasons To Invest In Online Or Cyber Security — Web And Mobile App Security Assurance. Things to Look Out for When Hiring a Managed Network Security Service — Web And Mobile App Security Assurance. Manual Application Penetration Testing Services — LEAN SECURITY. eBooks — LEAN SECURITY.
Dynamic Web Application Testing — LEAN SECURITY.