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Best Pumpkin Pie Recipe from Cook’s Illustrated. Every girl has one. Every girl has that guy that she’s “just friends” with. You’ve known each other for I-don’t-know-how-many years, but you’ve never once been attracted to him. No really, you’ve never ever been wildly attracted to him (it is possible for girls, you know) and the idea of dating him, well, makes you lol! Because you’ve always been, and always will be, “just friends.” We’re Just Friends Recipe for the best Pumpkin Pie from Cook’s Illustrated is below. Now, he’s not your best friend because, for one thing, you’re only besties with girls, and besides, he doesn’t even live in the same city, so how can you be BFFs with someone you can’t go shopping with everyday?!?! It’s not like his laugh forever echoes in your ears, or his adorable crooked smile is emblazoned on your brain, or you get hot flashes in the middle of Ralph’s for God’s sake because you are always thinking about him. You guys are “just friends.”

JFFs. The thing is, all your BFFs and your family adore him. But you. Calling all Lemon Heads! « I♥cuppycakes! January 7, 2011 at 8:15 PM | Posted in cupcakes, recipe | 7 Comments [UGH! Apologies but my images don't seem to be working right now. I added a picture of the cupcakes from Spice Islands as a placeholder until I can knock some sense into my image host.] Are you a fan? I mean a TRUE fan. (Right about now you’re wondering what the heck is CB talking about. These cupcakes are for the TRUE lemon heads out there. Sorry Tom Brady. (Pssst. Triple Citrus Cupcakes Recipe adapted from Spice Islands Makes 12 cupcakes (I got 14 cupcakes) For cupcakes 1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened (I used Neufchâtel instead) 1/2 cup butter, room temperature 1-1/4 cups sugar 2 tbsp orange zest (I used a navel orange) 1 tsp Spice Islands vanilla extract 4 eggs 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1/4 cup whole milk (I used half-and-half instead) 2 cups all purpose flour 2 tsp baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt To make cupcakes— Preheat oven to 325˚F.

Combine flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl and set aside. Like this: