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Hurog: Home of Patricia Briggs. ''The Vonnegut Web'' Patricia C. Wrede's Blog. One of the most interesting things, to me, about reading old (like, 1930s or earlier) how-to-write books is the way they look at viewpoint. Modern writing texts focus mainly on who the viewpoint character is, or on the type of viewpoint (first, second, or third-person) and how Read more → I’m still working on revisions, and one of the first things I did was to make what I think of as the real outline of the story. I haven’t seen much, if any, discussion of this technique, so I thought I’d talk about how I do it So this is another open mic week – chat, make announcements, complain about your writing, whatever.

So I am currently stuck in the middle of editorial revisions on the Work-In-Process, and have been for an enormously long time, mostly due to outside factors. Plot skeletons seem to be very popular as planning tools these days. OK, the power is back on and they’re coming to remove the giant tree later this week. We had a nasty storm Sunday, and I lost power, phone, and internet. From the distant past. Before this blog ever existed, I inhabited other places you could only get to by modem. First Compuserve, then Genie, and then the Well, and answered questions and so on in each place, and hung around. I've no idea if there are any archives anywhere of the Compuserve stuff or the Genie topics, but The Well is still there, I'm glad to say, and every few years I go back and am interviewed and hang around the inkwell.vue area for a few weeks.

It's a wonderful place, and accessible to anyone from the web: So, in context of the current interview , which has only just begun, I found myself reading a post from the 20th of June 2000, written while I was writing Which I am reposting a bit of here because a) there's lots more cool stuff like this on the various Well topics I did (here's the first , the second , the third, -- and b) if ever a story was meant to be on this blog, it's this one. ...last week Maddy woke me up early in the morning. "Nope," I said.

George R. R. Martin's Official Website. Philip K. Dick - Science Fiction Author - Official Site. Patricia McKillip. Brandon Sanderson: The official site.