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Mind Evolution

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15 Big Ways The Internet Is Changing Our Brain. Transform These 5 Habits to Boost Your Productivity. Productivity is the result of the decisions we make and mindset we have.

Transform These 5 Habits to Boost Your Productivity

These things in turn create habits that we tend to follow, sometimes too rigidly. Do you want to make a positive change inside you that leads to better productivity and improved self-confidence? If so, then I suggest that you take a look at these common unproductive habits that hold you back and transform them into productive ones. 1. The age of independence. 21 Things That Will Be Obsolete by 2020. A Billion Brains are Better Than One. Gross national happiness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Re-thinking Progress: The Circular Economy. “La medicina contra el estrés se llama meditación” 7 Bizarre Trends That Predict an Economic Collapse. Steven Pinker - Human Nature’s Pathologist. 2012: Moving Toward Evolution By Choice Not Chance. Evolution is evolving from unconscious chance to conscious choice.

2012: Moving Toward Evolution By Choice Not Chance

We are entering the first Age of Conscious Evolution. Why? Because we obviously affect our own evolution by all the choices we make – from the food we eat, the number of babies we have, the cars we drive, and the weapons we build. David Korten: Walking Away From the King.