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Le voyage du héros : Campbell & Vogler - Scénario 2.0. Le voyage du héros – CC Wikipedia Le voyage du héros est un paradigme qui a été énoncé par Joseph Campbell dans son livre « Le Héros au mille et un visages ».

le voyage du héros : Campbell & Vogler - Scénario 2.0

Il s’agissait à l’origine pour Campbell de démontrer l’universalité des mythologies humaines, quelque soient les époques et les continents. Au-delà des critiques que toute vision universaliste suscite, elle a le mérite de décompenser méthodiquement le déroulé du périple du héros mythologique. Comme une recette magique de narration mythologique. Ce qui en a fait le succès de cette théorie, qui s’est propagé à tous les champs du storytelling : la fiction (cinéma, TV, livres), le jeu, mais également le marketing, la communication d’entreprise, le développement personnel,… The Adweek Copywriting Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Powerful ... - Joseph Sugarman - Google Books. 15 Storytelling Techniques for Amazing Brand Story. The About Us page is one of the most visited pages of your website.

15 Storytelling Techniques for Amazing Brand Story

But what happens after visitors land on it–do they stay on your site, look at your offerings, contact you for more information? Or do they disappear? Part of the trick to keeping visitors and turning them into leads is to tell a powerful brand story, one that grabs and holds their attention like a great novel or movie. If you’re having trouble using stories in marketing, try these 15 storytelling techniques to help you write a better brand story. 1. You’ll use your brand story everywhere–blog posts, ebooks, videos, networking, speeches, elevator pitches, sales calls, even your business plan.

Write your brand story the same way you’d write a blog post or speech: with lots of careful planning and preparation. 2. All the preparation and planning in the world will only get you so far if you don’t know anything about the art of storytelling. 3. A story that only shows what happens to the protagonist is boring. 4. 5. 15 Storytelling Techniques for Amazing Brand Story. What storytelling does to our brains. 11.6K Flares 11.6K Flares × In 1748, the British politician and aristocrat John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich used a lot of his free time for playing cards.

What storytelling does to our brains

One of the problems he had was that he greatly enjoyed eating a snack, whilst still keeping one hand free for the cards. So he came up with the idea to eat beef between slices of toast, which would allow him to finally eat and play cards at the same time. Eating his newly invented “sandwich”, the name for 2 slices of bread with meat in between, became one of the most popular meal inventions in the western world. What’s interesting about this, is that you are very likely to never forget the story of who invented the sandwich ever again. For over 27,000 years, since the first cave paintings were discovered, telling stories has been one of our most fundamental communication methods. Here is the science around storytelling and how we can use it to make better decisions every day: It’s in fact quite simple. Comment mettre le storytelling à votre service ?, Le Cercle.

Accueil Le storytelling est la technique de communication la plus efficace du moment... et pas seulement : nous avons de tout temps communiqué en racontant des histoires, en les échangeant.

Comment mettre le storytelling à votre service ?, Le Cercle

Les marques, les entreprises, les entrepreneurs, les managers : tous peuvent concevoir et raconter des histoires, faire du storytelling, donc. Mode d'emploi.(...) Cet article est réservé aux abonnés, pour en profiter abonnez-vous. Et aussi sur les Echos Les articles à la une Afrique - Moyen Orient EN DIRECT 50 Français étaient à bord de l'avion d'Air Algérie + DOCUMENT L’appareil, qui assurait la liaison entre Ouagadougou et Alger, aurait disparu dans le nord du Mali 50 minutes après son décollage.

High tech Panne SFR : 4 millions de clients mobile touchés Les clients 4G de l’opérateur, et certains en 3G, ont des difficultés pour émettre ou recevoir des appels. Marchés Financiers. Storytelling For Business: Story Is The Only Difference Between You And The Competition. You’re a dime a dozen.

Storytelling For Business: Story Is The Only Difference Between You And The Competition

Most of us are. We sell shoes or haircuts, accounting services or duct cleaning. And so do endless others. I bet you won’t visit a single competitor’s website without finding some reference to their outstanding customer service. Their quality products. Snore. The day I visit a website and someone says, “We do what we can but our service is usually subpar. When my mom turned on the TV during her early married years and Ajax came on and told her that it was stronger than dirt, she went out and bought Ajax.

Other than a couple of magazines or newspapers (all sporting Ajax ads), there wasn’t a whole lot of media – or competition – to contend with. Fast forward to my grown up years and now it takes me forty five minutes just to pick out underarm deodorant (Do I like gel? Not only have our choices multiplied in ways that no longer seem useful (can bleach really be THAT different from brand to brand?) Websites. It’s like enjoying a good bowl of ice cream. Why?