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The 12 best Android camera apps around | Android Atlas. As the de facto point-and-shoot camera reviewer for CNET, I spend a lot of time living in the world of automatic snapshots and easy post-shoot editing. While I can tell you several ways a separate point-and-shoot is better than a smartphone camera (and not just in picture quality), I'd be a lying liar if I said I never use my smartphone's camera when I'm shooting.

I'm regularly hunting for new apps that will allow me to do more and work efficiently. For a long time, though, it seemed like there was a complete lack of decent camera apps for Android. I remember trying to pull together a list of apps I liked about this time last year and I could barely come up with five. These are the dozen camera apps that I use most frequently, which I guess makes them my favorites. The links will take you to these apps' pages on CNET's, where many of them have full reviews from Associate Editor Jaymar Cabebe. Also worth checking out in this category is Vignette. Tips en trucks voor je Galaxy SIII. Snelkoppelingen wijzigen op het vergrendelscherm Als je het scherm aanzet dan verschijnt er eerst een vergrendelscherm met onderaan vier snelkoppelingen naar verschillende applicaties.

Deze kun je activeren door het icoontje naar het midden te slepen. Standaard staan deze ingesteld op de belfunctie, Samsung chat, internet en de camera. Maar wil je zelf de invulling bepalen van de snelkoppeling bepalen? Dat kan:Instellingen >> Beveiliging >> Lock screen options >> sneltoets (op drukken en niet de schakelaar omzetten)Camera snel openen In veel video’s is er al gesproken over een snelle methode vanaf het vergrendelscherm om de camera te openen.

Een nieuwe feature aan Android 4.0 is Face Unlock, waarmee je een beveiliging kan instellen voor de ontgrendeling van je toestel. Een simpele, maar zeer handige functie als je het ons vraagt. We hebben het voor de lancering al wel eens eerder gehad over de functie om een eigen vibratie patroon te maken. Tutorial · alexander-yakushev/lein-droid Wiki. Installation Lein-droid is a plugin for Leiningen, so first you should make sure you have Leiningen 2.3 or higher installed. To install lein-droid as a plugin open your ~/.lein/profiles.clj file and insert the following line into the plugins section: If you do not already have a ~/.lein/profiles.clj file, create it with the following content: {:user {:plugins [ [lein-droid "whatever-the-last-version-is"] ]}} Now, the first time you try to use the droid task, Leiningen will automatically download the plugin from Clojars. NB: Neko has a minimal SDK version requirement of 15. Setting the path to Android SDK Due to Android’s slow transition to JDK7, it is somewhat tricky to setup the SDK properly.

:javac-options ["-target" "1.6" "-source" "1.6" "-Xlint:-options"] If you are using the latest version 19, you must use JDK7 and neko 3.0.0 or higher. You can specify the path to the SDK either globally in profiles.clj or on the per-project basis (in project.clj). Notice for 64-bit Linux users Quick start. 20 goede gratis Android apps. Achtergrond - Praktische no-nonsens apps die doen wat ze moeten doen zonder dat je je blauw betaalt: ze bestaan gelukkig nog onder Android. Het leuke van Android is dat je, als je wilt, nooit hoeft te betalen voor goede apps. Toegegeven: vaak betekent dat advertenties, en je moet een beetje opletten met de machtigingen, maar als je je ogen open houdt en goed luistert naar de tips van andere gebruikers, ontdek je al snel dat er maar heel weinig is waar je onder Android je portemonnee voor zou moeten trekken.

In dit artikel stel ik je voor aan (grofweg) twintig apps die me zelf in de praktijk goed zijn bevallen. Muziek Standaard wordt een Android-telefoon gewoonlijk al met een mediaspeler geleverd, en als je wilt is er nog een brede reeks spelers in Google Play waar je uit kunt kiezen. Na lang zoeken en uitproberen ben ik tot de volgende combinatie gekomen: Audio FX Widget. Jays Headset Control maakt het helemaal af. Bankieren Werken met je pc.

App Inventor

Quiz Me. What You're Building Download Alternate Example Book Chapter QuizMe is a trivia game about baseball, but you can use it as a template to build quizzes on any topic. With QuizMe: The user steps through a series of questions, clicking a button to proceed to the next question. The user enters an answer for each question and the app reports whether each answer is correct or not. With QuizMe, the quiz questions are always the same unless you, the programmer, change them. Later, you can create MakeQuiz , an app that lets users of the app create and modify the quiz questions. This tutorial assumes you are familiar with the basics of App Inventor -- using the Component Designer to build a user interface, and using the Blocks Editor to specify event-handlers.

Getting Started Connect to the App Inventor web site and start a new project. Also download these pictures of baseball players and save them on your computer: Larsenberra.jpg , dallasbraden.jpg , cyyoung.jpg , nolanryan.jpg . Review. App Inventor Tutorials for Beginners. Jwtyler. Learn - App Inventor for Android. tAIR - The App Inventor Repository. Getting Started - Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. App Inventor for Android. Colored Dots. This tutorial shows how to create apps that have multiple screens. In App Inventor, you can have a screen open a second screen.

Later the second screen can return to the screen that opened it. You can have as many screens as you like, but each screen closes by returning to the screen that opened it. The screens can share information by passing and returning values when they open and close. The screens also share the same TinyDB data, which they can use to store and shared values. Building an app with multiple screens is a lot like creating several individual apps.

The demonstration app is a simple drawing program called ColoredDots. Here are the two screens for the ColoredDots app: Building the Main Screen (Screen1) You start building a multiscreen app by creating a new project, just as with any other app. The components are: We'll look at the blocks for Screen1 below. Adding a second screen Note: You should make the name of the new screen something meaningful when you add it. M. Hossein Amerkashi's Blog | My Blog Site. HDMI Dongle: Portable set-top box runs Android 4. HDMI Dongle is an Open Source, USB-sized set-top box from Always Innovating, a technology outfit based in San Francisco, CA USA. A TV on a stick, it is designed to turn any TV with USB and HDMI ports into a connected TV running Android 4.

Like the Cotton Candy, it has an HDMI and a USB port. The magic comes via the HDMI port, while the USB port is to power the device from the TV it is attached to. The hardware specs of the device are: Texas Instruments Cortex-A9 OMAP 4 processor (1.0 GHz to 1.8 GHz), 1 GB RAM, a microSD slot, and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules. It comes with a simple remote control that has voice control and Near Field Communication (NFC) capabilities. On the software side, it “can run Android Ice Scream Sandwich and is technically compatible with Google TV.” This is what the device looks like.

And this is the remote control. You can carry it any where you go, and run Android without the need of a tablet device. Digital Ocean is a VPS/Cloud hosting provider.