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The Big List of Board Games that Inspire Mathematical Thinking. When a board game is presented as a math game, I am always eager to try it out!

The Big List of Board Games that Inspire Mathematical Thinking

Unfortunately, in many cases I find the math in these games are too straightforward with cards of math problems for players to solve, or numbered spaces to count. These games are usually far from fun, only allowing kids to practice math facts or formulas. They lack the opportunity for the player to choose from different actions, strategize or even plan ahead. The math in board games doesn't have to be so straightforward! Math is not just about numbers and formulas, and games is one way we can experience the beauty of math all around us. There are many fun board games that integrate deeper mathematical thinking into the gameplay.

Raising-bilingual-childre_b_9558006. Just the other day, I was on the subway in New York City when a family of three sat in the seats across from me.


The mother was Japanese and spoke to her two children, who looked distinctly Eurasian, in Japanese. Asking about their day at school, the children replied in English, French and a little bit of Japanese, seamlessly switching between languages as if they were all one and the same. With more than half of the world able to speak two or more languages, multilingualism is slowly becoming a priority in the United States, with an estimated 20% reportedly bilingual in 2012. In addition to the obvious linguistic and cultural benefits of being multilingual, research shows that there are both cognitive and social benefits as well. To raise bilingual children, parents are recognizing that they need to start early — well before kids set foot in school. 1. 2. Gleanings from EdCampswo 2016. Kyle Pearce 3 Acts Real World Math Tasks.

Real World Math for Common Core and Ontario Curriculum Search 3 Act Tasks By Author Andrew Stadel · Brian Marks · Cathy Yenca · Dan Meyer · John Scammell · Jon Orr · Justin Levack · Kyle Pearce · Mishaal Surti · Robert Kaplinsky Not in the list?

Kyle Pearce 3 Acts Real World Math Tasks

Submit your 3 Act Math Tasks! The following list of 3 Acts Real World Math Problems were created by Kyle Pearce. Questioning My Metacognition. ASKING STUDENTS TO CHOOSE THEIR OWN PATH AND JUSTIFY IT. Knowledgehook - Achieving Growth in Math. EDCAMP keynote.

Past Presentations. Powerful Formative Assessment Routine. I spent the morning yesterday at a district instructional coach meeting, and one of our sessions was on formative assessment as a tool for differentiation.

Powerful Formative Assessment Routine

Do you get the connection between assessment and differentiation? Formative assessments are assessments that inform instruction (for learning), while summative assessments are assessments of learning. Only by knowing where each student is on their learning path can we truly differentiate their instruction. As a short side note, we had an interesting conversation as we tried to categorize a list of assessments as either formative or summative. For example, we usually think of a test as summative, but as elementary teachers don’t we still use that information to drive instruction? Back on topic…they showed us a video from the Teaching Channel that is well worth the 6 minutes it will take you to watch it. The daily routine this teacher uses is called My Favorite No. Okay, time for the video! Grades 6-8 / Math / Warm-Up. 1001 Math Problems.

Practical Ways to Develop Students’ Mathematical Reasoning. Traditional math class was all about solving problem sets as fast as possible, but increasingly math teachers are slowing down to allow kids the time and space to reason through their answers and explain their thinking to peers.

Practical Ways to Develop Students’ Mathematical Reasoning

For those who seek a demonstration of that path, take a look at the Teaching Channel video below. Third grade teacher Jen Saul leads a lesson meant to support students’ mathematical problem solving abilities. She works hard to normalize struggle and has students find three different ways to represent the same problem. “They can assure themselves and don’t have to wait for the teacher to come around and say, ‘yeah, you got it.'” Saul said of the approach. A Really, Really Cool Website For Students Who Think They Hate Math.

The best resource for a student that thinks they hate math is a great teacher.

A Really, Really Cool Website For Students Who Think They Hate Math

But what about the best resource for that teacher? Beyond an active imagination, ability to relate to students, and an incredibly strong content knowledge themselves, it may not get much better than Numberphile . While the site is simple a crudely interactive graphic with links to videos, it has, in one fell swoop, creatively curated some of the most compelling and engaging “problems” in mathematics. From Benford’s Law to French Numbers, to whether or not zero is an even number, it frames the content area of math–which is often riddled with rote practice of very traditional arithmetic and formulas–in a problem-based learning kind of approach.

Fantastic resource for bell ringers, test questions, math project-based learning ideas, or as a model for students to curate their own curiosities about the incredible–and poorly marketed–world of mathematics. 5 au quotidien math. Inspiring Students to Math Success and a Growth Mindset. Interactive Learning Sites for Education - Home. Numératie-liens. Mathematics Teaching Resources. Waterloo Problems of the Week. Math. Maths.