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Ear Fuzz. RecordBrother. I don't know about you all, I'm about to burst, seems like so much is out of sync with my own sense of right & wrong, many years ago noticed that things i saw or knew to be false where taken as gospel truth by many more people than saw my perception of the situation, and a host of other " my brain is hanging upside down" moments (great Ramones song by the by) Also noticed that people where less and less likely to say thank you or even understand that you've done them a good deed and I'm not just talking about small kindnesses but big ass hook ups and many times over the last several years I've received the Golden "F**K YOU for helping me" I've been pretty floored by some of the people in my life who have pulled this stunt....


Alright I'll shut up for a bit and there much better articulations and even great dialog going on about this stuff I'm spewing about here and I could go on and on but the ranting of an old man just ain't that sexy knowwhati'msaying.