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Mongolie: Pays d'ombres et de lumières - Gaëlle Lacaze. Mongolie | Guide voyage Mongolie. Canoë | Guide touristique de la Mongolie. Le canoë-kayak est sans nul doute une manière originale de découvrir la Mongolie, ses superbes paysages et la vie des nomades. En effet, lors de la période estivale, les nomades installent leur campement d'été sur les berges des rivières. Depuis votre embarcation, vous pourrez donc observer tout à loisir le quotidien des nomades qui va défiler devant vos yeux.

Tout en pagayant, vous croiserez les troupeaux d'animaux qui partageront avec vous un instant le cours d'eau, les rapaces volant au dessus de vous ainsi que toute la vie aquatique. Les nomades intrigués de vous voir ainsi passer ne manqueront pas de s'arrêter pour discuter avec vous, et il est fréquent d’être invité sous la yourte. En Mongolie, la période où il est possible de partie en canoë est courte, elle s'étend sur 3 mois de juin jusqu'à la fin août. Des balades ouvertes aux débutants sont possibles sur 1 à 3 jours sur la rivière Tuul, dans le parc national de Gorkhi-Terelj, à seulement 2 heures de route de la capitale.

Map of kayaking canoeing and pontooning in Mongolia. Arkhangai Aimag : : News and information about Mongolia, Mongolian language lessons. The Symbol of Arkhangai Aimag (Province) The Map of Arkhangai Aimag The General Data Information of Arkhangai Aimag Note: * - Population is calculated by birth and death of the Ministry of Health data. In and out migration is not included. ** - 1998-2006, according to a joint study conducted by National University Mongolia and Mongolian State University of Education. ha - hectare.

Distance Geography Arkhangai is a mountainous aimag which is located on the Northern slopes of the Khangai Mountains. Meteorology In the Tsetserleg Sum, the center of the aimag, average air temperature is 0.1°C and, in January -15.6°C and in July +14.7°C. Soil Soil is mainly scattered grey, sandy brown, black and black brown soils of pasture land and forests. Rivers and Lakes Flora Fauna Rodents: Narrow-skulled vole, long tailed gopher, marmot, field mouse, forest red mouse, red mouse, rock wall-reeper and squirrels are found. Hoofed Animals: Roe deer, boar and deer are common. Insectivore: White toothed shrew. Chuluut Gol - Stony River | Altrheinpirat. Again Sambo stops in front of a ger, obviously asking for directions.

Evening is closing in, I dearly wish we’d finally reach our destination. A few hours ago Montezumas revenge caught up with me; involving first class gut cramps. The last kilometers to our input lead over a steppe without any – at least for us - recognizable marks. Car tracks divert and bend without end, making choices a matter of instinct.

Therefore lane changes happen late and suddenly – good for cramps. What am I doing here? It starts pretty harmless as usual. The first rapids remind me of the fact, that there is basically nothing in my stomach No difficult water, but you have to avoid boulders all the time, and that takes a bit of effort with about 80kg cargo (I had to take food and kitchen – well, big sacrifice…). A slope of about 600m has to be realized somehow, and that happens according to experience mainly at the beginning of the stream. Landscape and inhabitants surprise us. Onetooth visits us. Heart of Mongolia | Mongolia River Adventures. Trip Description Paddle boat, oar boat, and kayaks with vehicle and self-support.

Journey across the rolling steppes to the Orkhon Gol Valley, the historical power center of long vanished Central Asian civilizations. Stroll around ruins of Kara Korum, the site where Genghis Khan (Chinggis Khaan) established the Mongol Empire’s capital city in 1220. Upstream, the magical canyons and waterfalls of the upper Orkhon Gol (class IV) await kayakers; mellower stretches of river (class II/III) await rafters. Along the way, take in elaborate Buddhist monasteries, ancient ruins and burial sites, and the sublime beauty of the vast, diverse Mongolian countryside. Explore the mountains for more whitewater, ride horse with the local Mongols, fish nearby rivers and streams for ‘the big one’ (this is Taiman country!) Itinerary Day 1: Arrive Ulaan Baatar (UB). Day 2: Having an early breakfast, we’ll leave UB behind and drive 5 - 6 hours west to the UNESCO World Heritage Site Orkhon Valley and Kara Korum.

2015 Trips | Mongolia River Adventures. PLAN YOUR TRIP: Expeditions are listed on the right, along with the best time of summer to catch optimal water levels. If you have a flexible schedule, peruse the trip descriptions and choose whichever suits your fancy. If your schedule limits the dates you have available for your trip, our options are limited to the rivers appropriate for that time of year. Look over the smorgasbord of MRA Expeditions available, and when you have narrowed down your search, Contact Us to book your Mongolia River Adventure! Nomad Legends Mongols Club. Livre d'or Voyage en Mongolie. Locations saisonnières et locations de courte durée à Ulaanbaatar. Black Feather - Chuluut River, Mongolia (SOAR)