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From Social Networks to Collaboration Networks: The Next Evolution of Social Media for Business. How to Build a Social Business. For a successful Social Business Project, you need both IT and Line of Business! Impressions From SXSW Interactive 2012: Q&A With IBM Social VP Sandy Carter: 5 Social Media Surprises.

Insights from IBM: What is Social Business with Alistair Rennie. Smarter Planet - Social business - Case studies. IBM Social Business Community. IBM Social Business Community Group News. I must confess that when I first heard about CEMEX’s successful use of IBM Connections I was amazed at how an apparently very manual, practical and non-IT-oriented organisation had become a social business: It got me thinking about how I might apply a social business environment to other industries and I realised that the construction industry is an ideal place to deploy social business.

Image via Wikipedia A construction project – building a new home, office block, shopping mall, or whatever, is all about people. In most cases the people work in many different organisations and are appointed either by the client (the organisation who has commissioned the building) or the contractor (the organisation charged with physically building it). As well as the client and contractor there will likely be the following other companies to a greater or lesser extent: ArchitectQuantity SurveyorMechanical EngineerElectrical EngineerPlanning Supervisor Construction is all about instructions.

Blogging. Smarter Planet - Social business - Overview. Social business. Insights from IBM: What is Social Business with Alistair Rennie. Social Business Insights Blog.