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I'm 5'1, chubby waist, strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. I'm Greek, and English. I'm shy, but outspoken when i need to be. I'm not afraid to speak my peace. I find beauty in the weird, and bizarre. I am fascinated with the human body; and the way it works. =] I'm in college for nursing!!

Security Camera Footage Of An Alien Abduction? Personalized Brain Training. Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Your online source - World of the Strange - Paranormal Research Primer. Ancient Prophecies, Native American Prophecies, Universal Myths, Hidden History. Welcome!!!

Ancient Prophecies, Native American Prophecies, Universal Myths, Hidden History

Have you been watching the skies and paying closer attention to what is going on in the world lately? Do you wonder about the decline of today's civilization? Are you in search of multicultural prophecies potentially relevant to these times? The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS) Strange Powers, Poltergeist Stories, Weird People. Nucleus Medical Media: Medical Video, Animation & Illustration. Computer Scientists Induce Schizophrenia in a Neural Network, Causing it to Make Ridiculous Claims. Researchers testing mental illness figured out how to induce schizophrenic symptoms in a computer, causing it to place itself at the center of crazy delusions, such as claiming responsibility for a terrorist bombing.

Computer Scientists Induce Schizophrenia in a Neural Network, Causing it to Make Ridiculous Claims

The results bolster a hypothesis that claims faulty information processing can lead to schizophrenic symptoms. Computer scientists at the University of Texas-Austin built a neural network called DISCERN, which is able to learn natural language. The humans taught it a series of simple stories, teaching it to store information as relationships between words and sentences — much the same way a person would learn a story.

Then they started again, but cranked up DISCERN's rate of learning — so it was assimilating words at a faster rate, and it was not ignoring as much noise in the data. Some mental health experts believe schizophrenics cannot forget or ignore as much stimuli as they should, which makes it difficult to synthesize and process the correct information. - Drug Information, Research, Clinical Trials, News. Sketch of Voronoi. Rainbow Cake in a Jar. I’ve always had a penchant for sunshine in a jar.

Rainbow Cake in a Jar

Doesn’t the very phrase itself, “sunshine in a jar,” roll off your tongue and fill your mouth with magic? While I’ve never yet found myself a sunshine in a jar, I think we may have just concocted it in our kitchen tonight.

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