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WOW Slider : jQuery Image Slider & Carousel. Creating awesome CSS3 animations. August 27th, 2010 Yarrrr!! Meet Captain Track, the awesome animated CSS3 pirate! First, grab a WebKit-based browser, like Safari (preferably, because it supports hardware-acceleration!) Or Google Chrome and head over to and say “yarrrr!” To Captain Track! Note that on the iPad and iPhone, these animations run with a full, super-smooth 60 frames per second, because of all the hardware-accelerated glory in Mobile Safari.

The best thing is that all this glory will eventually come to all browsers, so don’t get left behind and start using this awesomeness now. Here’s the whole animation dissected: Arm & Map The arm & map image is a transparent 24-bit PNG (note the translucent brownish shadow). This image is absolutely positioned, and rotated around a point on the left border of the image, a bit down from the center, so it appears that the arm is rotated around the elbow of Captain Track. The animation itself is defined through the use of the @-webkit-keyframes keyword. Clock handles. Quickly Create CSS 3 Animations with ‘Ceasar’ CSS 3 has some awesome new animation capabilities for web developers — rotating objects, fading them in and out and more — but writing the code is a bit more complicated than most CSS rules.

To make your animating job a bit easier, developer Matthew Lein put together Ceaser, a handy code generator that outputs CSS snippets for animations. Ceaser will look familiar to anyone who’s ever used Robert Penner’s easing equation in Flash (and later JQuery) since it includes approximations of most of Penner’s equations. To use Ceaser, just pick a preset, set a time for the transition (the default is 500 milliseconds) and then pick a property to apply it to — width, height, opacity, etc. You can also create your own easing curve using the drag-and-drop graph tools. Once you’ve got everything working the way you’d like, just paste the CSS output into your stylesheet and you’re done. CSS 3 transitions work in any modern browser. See Also: 6 Free Sites for Creating Your Own Animations. The long and illustrious history of moving pictures all started with the zoetrope.

Then there was the thaumatrope, the flip book, and my personal favorite, the phenakistoscope. And now we have (drumroll please): The Internet. People have been excited about moving pictures for ages. But achieving a passable animation has never been as easy or required as little talent as it does today. Previously, we made some suggestions for sites where you can get your webcomic on. 1. For animators who would rather put in a little time rather than settle for a mediocre movie, GoAnimate is the way to go. For almost every component, the website offers a choice between complete customization and a library of already configured objects. There's also an interesting community feature similar to many social media sites. 2.

Devolver streamlines the animation process into a quick, six-step multiple choice project. 3. It's a pretty painless way to make a movie, but there are some drawbacks. 4. 5. 6. CartoonStock - Cartoon Pictures, Political Cartoons, Animations. jRumble | A jQuery Plugin That Rumbles Elements.

About The Plugin jRumble is a jQuery plugin that rumbles, vibrates, shakes, and rotates any element you choose. It's great to use as a hover effect or a way to direct attention to an element. Please read this before using jRumble. Flashing and flickering objects on the web can be dangerous. Please use this plugin responsibly. The Author My name is Jack Rugile. Like the Plugin? This plugin is free to use, however, if you enjoy jRumble and want to show some support, feel free share it or make a donation.

Usage Include jQuery and jRumble Include jQuery and jRumble just before your closing body tag. Initialize jRumble on a Selector and Trigger Start or Stop You can do this in a script tag within your HTML or in an external JavaScript file. // Initialize jRumble on Selector $('#rumble-element').jrumble(); // Start rumble on element $('#rumble-element').trigger('startRumble'); // Stop rumble on element $('#rumble-element').trigger('stopRumble'); Demos Ranges View Source Speeds Opacity Trigger Examples. 10 Stunning JavaScript Animation Frameworks | DJDESIGNERLAB - Find All Your Design Inspirations From This Laboratory.

JavaScript always a favorite programming language within web designer’s community. It has a wide range of dynamic functions. It’s become the language for animation. In this article we are going to share some informative resources of JavaScript Frameworks that you can use for animation developing. Processing.js Processing.js is an open programming language for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions for the web without using Flash or Java applets.

Processing.js uses Javascript to draw shapes and manipulate images on the HTML5 Canvas element. The code is light-weight, simple to learn and makes an ideal tool for visualizing data, creating user-interfaces and developing web-based games. moo.fx2 moo.fx2 Introduces a lot of new stuff: beginning with Fx.Style, to modify any chosen CSS property, then Fx.Styles, to modify any number of CSS properties at once. Glimmer Sripty2 Raphaël—JavaScript Library Related Posts: