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Create a digital paper sculpture in 16 simple steps | Graphic design. In this tutorial, we'll take a close look at how to plan and gather imagery for use in an abstract manipulation. I find that this design process is playful by nature and generally encourages a large degree of experimentation as you go along. It's always interesting to see what can be created from limited resources. In this particular case, we're talking about some blank sheets of coloured paper. This is when things start to become abstracted and geometric shapes are everything. I'll show you how to transform your boring sheets of paper for the better, and how to effectively bring them into the digital realm. The inspiration for this paper-infused design style comes from a range of work, including origami, physical paper sculptures and mixed-media installations. 01.

To give yourself a bit of direction, start by sketching out some different geometric designs on paper. 02. Once you're ready to move on, source a selection of coloured card or paper. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 30 Photoshop Splatter and Water Color Brushes for Designers. If you are a designer (or anyone even remotely associated with graphic design), you know the importance and versatility of splatter brushes. Take a look at any popular image manipulations’ website. Chances are, over half of the manipulations that you come across have employed splatter brushes.

In this round-up, we bring to you 30 awesome ink, paint and blood splatter brushes, along with watercolor brushes for Photoshop. So be prepared to note down the creative ideas that come to you as you take a look at these amazing brushes. High Resolution Splatter Brushes by Queen Vera Super Crazy Splatter Brushes Dot Splatter Brushes 44 Splatter Brushes Pack Splatter Brushes by Darvian Water Color Splatter Brushes Water Color Stroke Brushes Water Color Brush Pack Water Color Brushes by Grey Scale Stock High Resolution Watercolor Photoshop Brushes T8 Splatter Brush Pack Splatter Line Brush Strokes Super Crazy Splatter Vectors Ink and Splatter Brushes Glossy Blood Splatter Water Color Splatter Brushes.

Color Scheme Designer 3. How To Create 3d Camera Move with Photoshop and After Effects Tutorial. Tuto Photoshop - Convertir un logo 2D en 3D très rapidement | Par Gixien. Photoshop Cs5 Tutorial: Watercolor Photo Manipulation. Photoshop Splatter / dispersion photomanipulation Tutorial. Photoshop Cs5 Tutorial: Watercolor Photo Manipulation. Photoshop. TUTO PHOTOSHOP Effet Neon sur Tutoriel Photoshop CS5, CS4 et CS3 ! Tutoriel Photoshop Note : 9 | +1 -1 Voici un tutoriel bien expliqué dans lequel vous apprendrez à faire un effet néon très sympathique sur vos textes. Tags : Effet , Néon , Texte Source : Catégorie : Techniques Voir le tutoriel | Signaler le tutoriel Aucune création postée pour ce tutoriel.

Poster une création Par nabila , le mardi 27 septembre 2011 à 14h24 merci Effet Neon 4.89 / 5 - 19 avis. Tuto Photoshop les meilleurs tutoriaux photoshop parmis les tutoriaux photoshop du net Cs6, Cs5, cs4, cs3 et cs2. Tuto gratuit Effet pour Photoshop CS5 et CS6 - TOUT Photoshop.