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HTML - Index, Liste des tags balises et des evenements. Developer Network. Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc. How to use HTML5′s drag and drop. For a long time JavaScript functions have existed that allow us to create drag and drop interfaces, but none of these implementations were native to the browser. In HTML5, we have a native method of creating drag and drop interfaces (with a little help from JavaScript). I’m going to let you in on how to achieve this… Browser support I’d like to get this out of the way before we progress: currently HTML5 drag and drop is supported by all major desktop browsers (including IE (even IE 5.5 has partial support)) but it’s not currently supported by any of the popular mobile browsers. Drag and drop events At every stage of the drag and drop operation a different event is fired so that the browser knows what JavaScript code to execute; the events are: With all of these event listeners you have a lot of control over how your interface works and precisely how it performs in different circumstances.

The dataTransfer object Creating a drag and drop example Dragging the object Dropping the object Conclusion. Using WebGL to Add 3D Effects to Your Website. You have probably heard about the growing interest in WebGL, the technology that allows for real-time 3D graphics in the browser. For a few years, talented people around the world have been using it to create amazing experiences, music videos, games, data visualizations, and more. With the power of hardware-accelerated 3D graphics, WebGL truly offers endless possibilities for designers and developers. Better still, browser support is growing fast (including future releases of Internet Explorer), which makes the technology very promising for the future of the Web.

In fact, the technology is so exciting that we sometimes forget what makes it special: running in the browser, which means that it can be used within any web document. Just as we use images, videos, SVG, and other visual elements to build our pages, we could use WebGL to create a more engaging user experience by adding interactive graphics and visual effects that are impossible to achieve with any other available technology. HTML5 Boilerplate: The web's most popular front-end template. HTML5 se dévoile. Le brouillon officiel (working draft) de HTML5 a été publié officiellement le 23 avril 2009 et depuis de nombreuses avancées ont été accomplies, les navigateurs supportant toujours plus de fonctionnalités et de nouveautés. La nouvelle génération du langage de balisage HTML remplacera à long terme HTML 4, XHTML 1.x et XHTML 2 qui a été abandonné.

Profitons de cette occasion pour faire un tour d'horizon de cette nouvelle version de HTML. Consultez également toutes nos autres ressources HTML5 Qu'est-ce que c'est HTML5 ? Comme son nom l'indique, HTML 5 est le successeur de HTML 4. Le travail sur HTML 5 a commencé fin 2003 grâce à un groupe de travail indépendant qui préconisait une approche pragmatique, le WhatWG, contrairement au W3C qui misait tous ses efforts sur XHTML 2. Ce n'est qu'en 2007 que le W3C accepte la vision HTML5 en intégrant en son sein ce groupe de travail. Le W3C c'est quoi déjà ? Quelles sont les nouveautés ? <aside> Welcome! Les balises principales Doctype Section Article Aside.