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Pauline HanuisePauline Hanuise. This little baby is super easy to whip up and is absolutely delicious.

Pauline HanuisePauline Hanuise

I love it as a mid-afternoon snack or when I crave something chocolatey. Personally, I don’t add any sugar at all in this one. The maca powder is enough for me but up to you to add a bit more sweetness with half a banana or your favorite sweetener, which is what I do when I prepare that for my family or friends. Serving that in little glasses is also just perfect as dessert when you have guests at home What you need 1 small avocado1tbsp chia seeds1 heaped tbsp almond butter2 tbsp cacao1 tbsp cacao beans1/2 cup almond milk1 tbsp maca powderYour fav sweetener to taste (optional)Mulberries for toppingGoji berries for toppingCacao nibs for topping What you do - Blend everything (except your toppings) in your high speed blender. - Add more milk if the texture is too tick. - Adjust the taste by adding your favourite sweetener (this step is totally optional.

Get Your Free Recipe Book. 3-Layer Almond Coconut Chocolate Bars. October 24, 2013Angela (Oh She Glows) I may not have my costume picked out or a pumpkin carved yet (how the heck is it Oct 24th?)

3-Layer Almond Coconut Chocolate Bars

, but the vegan candy options are a-go. That is, if they last until the weekend. I’ve been working on these layer bars for a few weeks now. It took a bit of patience to get the thickness of the layers juuust right, but lo and behold I finally nailed something worth sharing. Me likey. If you are looking for a fun and incredibly tasty Halloween treat (or really, a treat for any special occasion!) Yield18 small bars Freeze time1 hour Prep Time Cook time Total Time Ingredients: For the base: 3/4 cup whole almonds1/2 cup gluten-free oat flour*1/4 cup virgin coconut oil3 tablespoons pure maple syrup (or other liquid sweetener)1/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt1 cup gluten-free rolled oat For the middle layer: For the topping: Directions: Preheat oven to 350F and line an 8-inch square pan with two pieces of parchment paper, one going each way.

Here Are 21 Food Tricks That Totally Change Everything. Making food can sometimes be boring – but we found 21 food tricks that will turn any meal into an awesome experience !

Here Are 21 Food Tricks That Totally Change Everything

1 : Awesome cheesy bread with a twist – this is delicious 2 : Your own flavored ice-cream cookie ! – just use a hot knife to cut a piece of the ice-cream and stick it between two cookies – genius ! 3 : Having a party ? Make a cool tasty chocolate bowl with a balloon and melted chocolate 4 : Use muffin liners to stop the bugs from touching your drink 5 : You know when you eat a popsicle it melts on your fingers and gets sticky ?

6 : The most important meal of the day just got better ! 7 : Ice coffee , level = insane ! 8 : Upgrade your pancakes with a slice of bacon 9 : Use the pants hanger that no one ever use to close off bags of food 10 : Melted banana split with whip-cream ? 11 : Ever wondered how to make a swirly cake ? 12 : Ohhh so thats how its done 13 : Electric knife to cut out korn fast and easy 15 : Easiest trick in the book – but no one ever does it. Vegan Coconut Bliss Balls That Will Wow Your Taste Buds. Looking for a totally out-of-this-world delicious and guilt-free treat?

Vegan Coconut Bliss Balls That Will Wow Your Taste Buds

I’ve got you covered. These coconut bliss balls are made with 100% pure whole foods ingredients and are dairy-free, sugar-free, and gluten-free. But instead of focusing on what they don’t have, let’s talk about what they do — lots of flavor, satisfying sweetness, healthy fats, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory benefits. So, so good! Coconut Bliss Balls Ingredients Makes about 10 balls 1 cup finely shredded coconut 3 Tbsp. coconut oil 3 Tbsp. maple syrup ½ tsp. vanilla extract 1 ½ cup dark chocolate chips sea salt Directions Combine coconut, coconut oil, maple syrup, and vanilla extract in a blender or food processor. Use your hands to mold the coconut crumb into bite-size balls. Melt chocolate chips and use a spoon to gently drizzle the melted chocolate over each coconut ball. Sprinkle each ball with a bit of sea salt while the chocolate is still moist.

Refrigerate the balls for two hours (to harden) and enjoy!