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Lust and Folly in London and Edinburgh‬‏ Looking for Alaska at My High School‬‏ Fun is Important. Being Serious Isn't‬‏ Quotations (And Holden Hats)‬‏ Thoughts from Places: The Centennial Valley‬‏ Froghoppin' with Gatsby‬‏ John and Hank: The Out-Takes‬‏ RIP JD Salinger‬‏ Your Spying Thieving Valentine: Hank‬‏ Cute OVERLOAD: The Ultimate Concern Edition‬‏ I Love Hank: Esther Day 2010‬‏ Being Weird in the Airport‬‏ Brotherhood 2.0: January 3rd - Nerdfighteria Wiki. Hi, John! Good morning! It's Brotherhood 2.0 with Hank and John Green! Wow! That guy was having fun. It's seven o'clock in the morning and I'm about to get on a plane. Yesterday I was sledding down a hill at Lake Tahoe.

That was fun; this isn't fun. I hope you don't mind if I make a suggestion as to how to begin our conversation on this video blog. Apparently some people even think that we look like the twin rock duo, The Proclaimers, [picture] which is admittedly better than people thinking that we look like the twin rock duo, Nelson. So, I would like to propose a list. Things like: In the last few years John Green has gotten kind of pudgy. [whispers] Sorry honey! And also, and also, and also. 15 Hours in Target!‬‏ Strange Charm: A Song about Quarks. How to Make Guys Like You‬‏