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Public School Reform

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Mind and Brain. Visual Thinking. Am. Cuomo Vows New Push to Improve Schools. In his State of the State address on Wednesday, the governor pledged to wage a campaign to put students first because all of the other parties involved in public education — from superintendents to maintenance workers and bus drivers — have lobbyists promoting their interests.

Cuomo Vows New Push to Improve Schools

“It’s not about the business, it’s not about the lobbyists,” Mr. Cuomo said. “It’s about the students, and the achievement, and we have to switch that focus.” But in a speech devoted largely to job creation and economic development, Mr. Cuomo offered few details on how he planned to fight what he called the state’s growing “public education bureaucracy.”

Race To The Top

A Blueprint for Reform: The Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.