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Research tip sheets: Lessons on reading studies, understanding data and methods. Journalist’s Resource continues to build a library of research-related modular materials that instructors can bring into their classrooms.

Research tip sheets: Lessons on reading studies, understanding data and methods

Our project encourages the development of a new core skill in journalism education, namely the habit of doing what scholars call a “literature review.” For a young journalist, this means not only pulling the previous “clips” on a subject, as reporters have traditionally done, but also efficiently reviewing relevant research studies. This can make for richer engagement with the experts themselves and speedier access to deeper knowledge. Ultimately, such habits can produce journalism that is more informed and durable — that is less susceptible to critiques that it is mere “he said, she said” reporting, or deficient or biased in some way, whether intentionally or not.

Such deeper stories constitute what we are calling “knowledge-based journalism.” Center for Digital Storytelling - Home. Local Online Groups for Community Recovery from Hurricane Sandy.


Teaching. College. Highered.