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Pictures of The most sampled tracks ever - Photos. 6 Most Badass Self-Inflicted Medical Experiments. #3. Living on a Weight Scale Let's talk about Santorio Santorii (1561-1636), a Renaissance-era Italian physiologist who essentially lived on a weighing scale for 30 years to study his own metabolism. First off, we are eager to share that he was called "Santorio Santorio" as well as "Santorio Santorii, Sanctorius of Padua.

" Via WikipediaSeen here surreptitiously flipping you the bird. Sanctorius built a large, elaborate scale and meticulously weighed himself, everything he ate or drank and all of his bodily waste. By comparatively weighing what he ate and drank with what he pooped and peed, he noticed that what came out was less than what went in. To account for the leftover, Sanctorius came up with the theory of "insensible perspiration," a process whereby perspiration sneaks its way out of the body via pores and evaporates before we can perceive it as moisture by the skin. Via"Hey, my poop weighs LESS than my Hot Pocket! #2. Via #1. Oh man. 8 Things You Won't Believe Plants Do When No One's Looking.

Plants don't get a lot of respect, because frankly, they don't do shit. They just kind of sit there waiting to be eaten, right? They can't move or think or make their plans against us. Actually, that's just what they want you to think. It turns out that plants are capable of some pretty sophisticated, even downright nefarious schemes. For instance ... #8. Eucalyptus Trees Napalm Their Enemies For most trees, fire is kind of a bad thing. GettyKoalas are endangered because eucalyptus has an anger-management problem.

Just like animals, plants compete with each other for space and territory, though most have only a limited ability to retaliate against some asshole fern setting up camp on their lawn. You see, the eucalyptus itself is designed specifically to be the only tree standing after a fiery apocalypse -- they have stems hidden deep inside their trunks, ready to spring out once the smoke clears. "I love the smell of us in the morning. " GettyEucalyptus: Nature's leafy arsonist. #7. Wait. Future Expats Forum | Best Countries for Quality of Life in 2011. An organization called Nation Ranking recently released its 2011 Quality of Life Index. One hundred thirty-seven countries were ranked according to: “a nation’s livability for its average inhabitant. It is a composite of six sub-indexes, each describing one of the elements which objectively influence the quality of life: health, education, wealth, democracy, peace and environment.”

You can find the entire report here. I’ve pulled out the Top 10 for you in the overall Quality of Life and several of the sub-categories. IcelandNorwaySwedenSwitzerlandLuxembourgAustriaFinlandNew ZealandGermanyCanada Additional rankings that might interest you: Australia is #14, France is #15, the United Kingdom — current scene of riots — comes in at #19, the US at #31. Also interesting to me are the sub-rankings. Factored into the Health index were life expectancy at birth, infant mortality and access to health care.

SingaporeIcelandJapanAustraliaFranceCanadaSwitzerlandSpainIsraelSweden FinlandS. 7 Questions You Didn't Know Could Be Answered With Math. #3. The Best Time for a Marriage Proposal Getty The truth is that there are probably going to be a million different pressures urging you toward that bent knee -- love, friends, parents, suspicious-looking radiance and a tummy bulge -- and not a single one of them is going to pull a calendar off the wall, circle a date and tell you to just get on with it. Thankfully, math has found an elegant solution to your problem. GettyThese can only delay the Big Day for so long. The Formula: Don't worry, you don't actually have to calculate that intimidating algebraic mess. University of New South WalesDoes this look like the face of a man who would lie about love?

The only thing you need to do is pick the youngest age you would want to get married, subtract that from the oldest age and multiply that by 0.368. Getty"It was either this, or a lifetime of masturbating quietly into my socks. " GettyThose sunglasses aren't fooling anyone, Doug. Getty"Will you be my last-ditch effort at happiness? " #2. . #1. 1. The 5 Most Hated Creatures on the Planet (Don't Deserve It) We've always had a weird double standard toward non-humans. We'll build elaborate habitats for hamsters and dress them in tiny costumes, but will poison a rat without a second thought. In the midst of those arbitrary rules it's easy to lose track of the fact that some of the most hated pests are also the ones that least deserve it. Well, we're here to ask you to reconsider... The thing about cockroaches isn't just that they're incredibly gross and/or disease-ridden, but that they insist on living right in our kitchen.

Most people would rather see a freaking ticking time bomb in their cabinet than a nest of these bastards. But the reason why roaches survive so well around your boxes of twinkies is that for centuries they were like our tiny, industrious little roommates. For most of the animal kingdom, it's still a pretty sweet deal. And just how filthy are the little freeloaders? So, we know that roaches just aren't very dangerous... but we would still be better off without them, right? 5 Acts of Nature That Rearranged the Face of the Planet. The worst thing an average person has to worry about growing out of his yard is the occasional mushroom garden or patch of stinging nettles. But in 1943 in Paricutin, Mexico, Dionisio Pulido saw his land open up and suddenly grow a volcano. Via Wikimedia CommonsWell ... shoot. Pulido, a farmer, was out plowing his field when a fissure opened up and started burping out ash and stone.

After only a week, it was five stories tall. Within a year, it went from a gleam in a volcanic field's eye to a bouncing baby cinder cone 1,100 feet tall that forced the locals to move to nearby non-erupting land. Via Wikimedia Commons"I say we just let the volcano have the field, bro. " The volcano was spent by 1952, but not before increasing in violent volcanic activity, topping off the cone at 1,390 feet tall before calling it quits and going to sleep.

Via"Dammit! The Siberian Traps Reset Earth's Biological Clock Photos.comIt was a continent-sized game of "the floor is lava. " Via Five Weird Facts About Your Wife's Brain | Why Men Don't Listen To Women in Marriage Communication. June 18, 2011, By Steve Kissing Men and women are equals in the grandest sense of the word, yes.

But just as our bodies are undeniably different, so, too, are our minds. This means, as crazy as it may seem, that how you experience the world isn’t necessarily how your wife experiences it. You can’t fight the evolutionary and social causes behind these differences. Trust me, I and much greater men have tried, all in vain.

But you can at least recognize these and other differences, which are explained in very readable detail in “The Female Brain,” by Louann Brizendine, M.D. 1) She Remembers More. Lesson: Don’t argue with your wife over details about something that happened months or years ago. 2) There’s a Reason She Cries. Lesson: If you wish your wife cried less, work harder at paying attention to the small ways she’s telegraphing her feelings. NEXT: Her Instincts are Solid. Classic: 5 Mental Disorders That Can Totally Get You Laid. We don't want to make light of mental disorders or its sufferers, but you have to admit sometimes a person can be just mentally ill enough to be cool.

After all, chicks totally dig troubled guys. Now, when we say "troubled," we're not talking about that one naked dude on the subway who constantly masturbates and can only talk in machine code. No, we mean the complex and difficult soul, present in 70 percent of Oscar-winning movies, who spends two hours battling against his inner demons while being submerged up to neck level in pussy. You can be that guy, if only you're lucky enough to contract an inconvenient and traumatic brain condition.

Here are 5 such disorders that might just be cool enough to get you laid. This very rare condition arises as a result of a stroke or head trauma in which the brain's speech center is damaged, causing the sufferer to regain consciousness with a totally different accent. Will it get me laid? Jesus. How do I get it? Is it worth it? Ok, don't go for it. The 6 Creepiest Places on Earth. It doesn't matter whether or not you believe in ghosts, there are some places in which none of us would want to spend a night. These places have well earned their reputations as being so creepy, tragic or mysterious (or all three) that they definitely qualify as "haunted.

" Places like... Aokigahara is a woodland at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan that makes The Blair Witch Project forest look like Winnie the Pooh's Hundred Acre Wood. It probably has something to do with all the dead bodies scattered around. What Niagara Falls is to weddings, Aokigahara is to suicide. How many suicides does it takes for a place to get that reputation? More than 500 fucking people have taken their own lives in Aokigahara since the 1950s. The trend has supposedly started after Seicho Matsumoto published his novel Kuroi Kaiju (Black Sea of Trees) where two of his characters commit suicide there.

Also skulls. "If you commit suicide here, bears will poop on your corpse. " Winchester Mystery House Oh, bitch...! 5 Reasons Life Actually Does Get Better. In the last year you've probably heard "It gets better" used as a motto to encourage gay teens who've been the victims of bullying. This is not a rebuttal of that, because I am not an asshole. What I do want to do is expand that message to everyone that age, whether you have a bully problem or not. I figure it's time, as I tend to write about dark and often brutally depressing subjects, like how I was a smoldering drunk for over half of my life and how much my parents sucked at being parents. But I do it for a reason. So, as a man with a truly shitty past, let me say that it's not just a slogan. The Money Situation Will Improve (Even if it Doesn't) I'm not saying you'll be rich when you grow up.

My girlfriend and I recently broke into the middle class after years of living one paycheck away from homelessness. GettyAbove, a stray one scouts the wild for its next victim. As a kid, you just have to sit back and take it, not fully understanding why you're living the way you are. Getty Why? The 5 Creepiest Urban Legends (That Happen to be True) The best creepy campfire stories are always the ones that end with the words, "...And it’s all true, because I have the damned documentation here to prove it! " In that spirit, we've tracked down five of the creepiest tales and urban legends that really happened to real people, proving once and for all that nothing is more terrifying than everyday life. The Dead Body Under Your Freaking Matress The Legend: A couple checks into a hotel and have to put up with a foul odor in their room all night. They call the staff to complain and somebody figures out the stench is coming from the bed.

Now, there's no way that scenario is going to have a good ending. You're almost hoping at that point that it'll turn out the last guest just got drunk and pooped behind the headboard. The Truth:This actually happened, in Las Vegas. It makes sense if you think about it. The strangest part isn't that the bodies wind up in such a terrible hiding place (killers often aren't the type to plan ahead). The Truth: The 7 Craziest Things Ever Done to Get Laid. King Henry VIII Started a New Religion For His Penis In the year 1525, King Henry VIII had a problem with Anne Boleyn's pants -- specifically, whether or not he could legally get in them. See, even though he was married to Catherine of Aragon, he wanted to nail Anne Boleyn.

Although Boleyn initially resisted, eventually she came around thanks to the prospect of becoming queen. So all Henry had to do was divorce his wife ... but therein lies the rub. Who would want to divorce a woman with such angular hair? Thing is, divorce was not a legitimate answer to anything in 16th century England back in the day, since marriage was considered holy and indissoluble by the Catholic Church -- best case scenario was an annulment, which could only be procured if the marriage had been entered into improperly.

Pope Clement VII, here pictured giving exactly zero shits. Henry, however, was kind of used to getting his own way and decided to just go ahead and marry Anne anyway. No kidding. Getty. Top 10 Lesser Known Mysteries. Mysteries It was Einstein that said ‘The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.’ For me, mystery is the fabric of Life, and since I discovered Listverse a few years ago I have noticed it’s a sentiment many people share. I have tried to avoid the usual topics of ghosts, ufo’s etc., and tried to opt for the niches and gems of the unexplained genre.

I hope you have as much fun reading this list as I had compiling it. The Brentford area of London is a peculiar place in terms of the names. There have been no other sightings since, and the Legendary Griffin has drifted into local folklore. Amphibians in Ancient Iraq In ancient Mesopotamia, the world’s first academically ratified, fully functioning civilizations of Babylon, Sumer and Akkadia emerged. Valley of the Headless Men. 10 Bizarre Human Mysteries. Mysteries WARNING: this list contains some graphic images. Every so often, we’ll come across strange and inexplicable conditions found in the human body. These are the mysteries science can’t easily debunk, the kinds that defy natural laws and how we’ve come to understand ourselves.

There’s always debate concerning these supposed powers. Shamanistic practices were once much more prevalent in the world, and considered a profound foundation of the tribes that believed in them. Many of these shamans have been discovered as fraudulent, proving the use of slight of hand tricks and passing them off as legitimate procedures, but that isn’t the case for all of them.

Much like entrancing healers, psychic surgeons can perform procedures that would normally require tools and what we consider conventional medical supplies (like anesthesia). These types of surgeons are mostly found in Brazil and the Philippines, where people strongly believe in spirits (which aid every procedure/treatment).

D.D. 6 Intimate Details You Can Tell Just By Looking At Someone. How much would you pay to be able to read another person's mind? As superpowers go, it's a hell of a lot more of a game changer than, say, flight. Your career, your relationships -- everything would change. But experts say you can gather a whole bunch of intimate details about a person just by looking at them. No, it's not 100 percent accurate, and it's not magic. It's just science. Is She Interested In You? Look at Her Feet. Getty Remember back in high school when you were talking to that cute girl you really liked, but you couldn't tell if she liked you back, and your fear of rejection prevented you from expressing your feelings in any way apart from night after night of tearful masturbation?

Science to the rescue! How? Experts will tell you it's all in the body language, but you know better. Getty"I realized she was into me right around the time we started having sex. " But watch her feet. GettyThe angle of her heels says "I put out," but those knees say "not for you. " By the way she walks. 7 Basic Things You Won't Believe You're All Doing Wrong. The 7 Most Ridiculous Ghost Stories from Around the World. 7 Man-Made Architectural Wonders of the Ancient World. Mental_floss Blog » The Quick 10: 10 Things You Didn’t Know Had Names.

10 Famous Unsolved Mysteries Easily Explained by Science. The 5 Greatest Things Ever Accomplished While High. 7 Common Foods That Can Actually Get You High. 6 Animals That Can Get You High. 7 Superpowered Animal Senses You Won't Believe Are Possible. 7 Simple Questions You Won't Believe Science Just Answered. The 10 Most Stressful Jobs: CareerCast. The 6 Most Unlikely Partners in the Animal Kingdom. The 15 Most Bizarre Animal Mating Rituals. The 15 Most Bizarre Animal Mating Rituals. The 5 Most Famous Musicians Who Are Thieving Bastards. The 16 Largest Insects In The World: Pics, Videos, Links, News.

7 Insane True Stories Behind the World's Most WTF Houses. 7 Useful Genetic Experiments That Are Creepy As Hell. 6 Insane Uses of Animals in Wartime (That Actually Worked) 6 Important Things You Didn't Know We're Running Out Of. 5 Amazing Things Invented by Donald Duck (Seriously) 6 Reasons We Should Be Way More Scared Of Ants. 10 Facts About Ants. Top 20 Facts About Sleep. Top 10 Most Influential Psychiatrists. KnowReddit. 3. The Baigong Pipes - Ten things science can't explain - Pictures - Digital. 6 Weird Things That Influence Bad Behavior More Than Laws. 6 Factors That Secretly Influence Who You Have Sex With. 8 Real Photographs That Prove Hell Exists on Earth. 10 Creepy Plants That Shouldn't Exist. 12 bizarre real-life places that are stranger than science fiction.

5 Numbers That Influence Our Life In Unexpected Ways. Science. 10 People With Disturbing Tales To Tell. 20 Smartest Animals in the World. 6 Amazingly Intelligent Animals (That Will Creep You Out) 10 Creatures With Crazy Faces. 10 Curious Tales and Oddities From History. Round Up: 2011 (?) Edition. 5 Scientific Reasons The Dark Side Will Always Win. 15 Uses of Newspaper in Our Daily Life. The 6 Most Insane Sex Lives in the Animal Kingdom. The 6 Most Badass Robots (Invented Before Electricity) 15 Things You Didn't Know About the Brain. Ten Weirdest New Animals of 2010: Editors' Picks. 6 Animals That Just Don't Give A F#@k. 10 More Amazing Weather Phenomena. The 6 Most Strangely Convincing Real-Life Curses.