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Lyme and Infectious Diseases

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How Vaccine Fears Fueled The Resurgence Of Preventable Diseases : Shots - Health News. For most of us, measles and whooping cough are diseases of the past. You get a few shots as a kid and then hardly think about them again. But that's not the case in all parts of the world — not even parts of the U.S. As an interactive map from the Council on Foreign Relations illustrates, several diseases that are easily prevented with vaccines have made a comeback in the past few years. Their resurgence coincides with changes in perceptions about vaccine safety. Since 2008 folks at the think tank CFR have been plotting all the cases of measles, mumps, rubella, polio and whooping cough around the world. As you flip through the various maps over the years, two trends clearly emerge: Measles has surged back in Europe, while whooping cough is has become a problem here in the U.S.

Childhood immunization rates plummeted in parts of Europe and the U.K. after a 1998 study falsely claimed that the vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella was linked to autism. So what about countries in Africa? Lyme disease is on the rise, and so is controversy over how sick it makes patients. Find and Rate Detoxification Methods for Lyme Disease - Tired of Lyme l Lyme Disease Support & Consolation. Cleaning up the mess left by dead spirochetes Detoxing is an essential part of fighting Lyme Disease and achieving relief from a herx. Many people just think about what antibiotics to take and let the body do the rest from there but killing the bacteria is only half the job. One must help the body remove the endotoxins that spirochetes release in the body once they're killed.

In fact, well over 90% of the time you're not feeling well is due to a a body that is not detoxing effectively. The golden rule of detoxing states that if you're going to intentionally help your body kill a foreign invader, you should intentionally help your body remove those foreign invaders from your body. A herxheimer reaction is not an immediate reaction to spirochete die off but more of a result of an accumulation of toxins over a period of time. Certain detoxification methods are used for near immediate relief from a herxheimer reaction such as an Epsom Salt Bath or Burbur Detox. Relieve your herx? NEWS: First documented case of sexual transmission of insect-borne disease? | LymeDisease.orgLymeDisease. STD Awareness: 10 Sexually Transmitted Diseases You Probably Don’t Know About | Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona | Blog.

Giardia lamblia, a microbe that can be transmitted sexually. Image: NIH Gonorrhea and chlamydia go back to antiquity. Syphilis took hold in Europe during the late 15th century. Herpes wasn’t on most people’s radars until the early 1980s, and human papillomavirus (HPV) was relegated to relative obscurity in the popular imagination until the HPV vaccines made their debuts less than a decade ago. Have you heard of CMV, chancroid, or donovanosis? But there are still a handful of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that you might not know about.

These include incredibly common infections, as well as those caused by pathogens you might have heard of but probably don’t associate with sexual transmission. 10 Trichomoniasis: What is the most common curable STD? 9 Infectious mononucleosis: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) causes infectious mononucleosis (also known as mono). EBV can also show up in the genital tract — in vaginal, cervical, and penile secretions, as well as on the head of the penis.