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The Problems with Peer Grading in Coursera. When I wrote about the launch of online education startup Coursera back in April, one of the things that most intrigued me was the description that founders Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng gave of their plans for a peer-to-peer grading system. I’ve been a critic of the rise of the robot-graders — that is, the increasing usage of automated assessment software (used in other xMOOCS and online courses, as well as in other large-scale testing systems). While some assignments might lend themselves to being graded this way, I’ve been skeptical that automation is really the way to go for disciplines require essay-writing, despite the contention that robo-graders score just as well as humans do.

Coursera said it would offer poetry classes (a modern poetry class starts this fall), and I just couldn’t see how even the most sophisticated artificial intelligence in the world could grade students’ intepretations and close readings. So Coursera’s plans for peer assessment sounded pretty reasonable. Search results for coursera. This is Part Two. You can read Part One here.As before, I've summarized things at the end, for those without the time or inclination to read the essay from beginning to end. One of the suggestions I made in my previous thoughts included offering sample essays, ones that would clearly show what an essay with a 1 in form and a 1 in content should be and comparing it with an essay that is 3/3. This would, of course, benefit both the essay writer and the peer reviewer. Here are some of the key phrases culled from the “Work Expectations” in the “Peer Evaluation” section: [The] essays will be anonymous to you. [P]lease write a brief response (perhaps a sentence or two) that accomplishes two things: pointing out at least one aspect of the essay that is good and pointing out at least one aspect of the essay that would profit by improvement.

NiceNice workContent was very good and detailed. Then there's this: the writer receives contradictory statements: Summary of Problems: Possible Solutions: a. MOOCS | EPFL. Internet, Tout y est Pour Apprendre : la preuve par MOOC. Internet, pour se cultiver, pour apprendre, pour le plaisir d’échanger et de confronter ses idées, c’est à cet Internet que nous nous intéressons. On connaît tous le moteur de recherche comme outil pour trouver l’information dont on a besoin. Mais cette recherche n’est que la première étape d’un apprentissage. Comprendre, analyser, valider, confronter, synthétiser sont des actions qui permettent d’aller plus loin et de s’approprier des connaissances. Internet permet tout cela et même plus. C’est en effet à la fois la plus grande médiathèque du monde, un espace d’écriture, de construction et la possibilité d’échanger avec des personnes de la terre entière. Oui, Internet, Tout Y est Pour Apprendre (ou ITyPA!).

Ce cours sera en ligne et ouvert à tous, et comme c’est l’usage sur Internet, plus nous serons nombreux, plus ce que nous en tirerons sera potentiellement riche. Une petite vidéo pour illustrer existe, en anglais : Crédit photo : The MOOC shop par cogdogblog licence CC-by Like this: Virtual and Artificial, but 58,000 Want Course.