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How to Get Some Bees – Order “Package Bees” from a reputable bee supplier. Package bees are 3-4 pounds of bees and an unrelated queen. In most places packages can be ordered starting January for pick up sometime in April, depending on local climate. Unfortunately most package bees are treated with anti-biotics and miticides. For a demonstration of how to install a package go here. Catch A Swarm. If it is your first time, do not try a complicated extraction from a wall or 25 feet up in a tree. Bring a ventilated box to the location. If you can easily cut the branch they are on, do so and gently lay the clump in the box and close the box. Pour or shake your bees into the destination hive at dusk. While catching a swarm is not difficult, hearing about swarms as a novice beekeeper will be the challenge. your best bet is to tell your friends and family you are looking for a swarm and describe what a swarm is and what it looks like.

Catch a Swarm With A Bait Box. Take A Split aka Divide or Artificial Swarm. Apiculture introduction - U+ Le portail de la formation agricole. Beekeeping Like A Girl 10 MISTAKES NEW BEEKEEPERS MAKE. Many new beekeepers learn things the hard way. As a beekeeping instructor, it’s my job to keep my students from meeting this all too common fate! Read on to find out the mistakes I see most often and how to avoid them. With so much to learn as a new beekeeper, missteps are as inevitable as beestings! Yet failures do provide an opportunity for learning. 1. I encourage beekeepers to observe their hives from the outside on a weekly or even daily basis. 2.

This was my first big mistake as a new beekeeper and I do my best to make sure others avoid it. 3. If there is one practical thing you should know about the behavior of bees as a new beekeeper, it’s that they will build comb in any empty space you give them. 4. It can be difficult to know how much or when to take honey from your colony. 5. In general, I think beekeepers feed their bees sugar water too readily and often to the detriment of their bees, but there are a few exceptions and this is one of them. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Parts of a Beehive - Beginner Beekeeper's Guide - Beekeeping - BEVERLY BEES. A beginner beekeeper’s guide to the parts of a beehive. by Anita Deeley at Parts of a beehive. There are many different types of beehives and hive configurations that beekeepers use. I’m going to talk about the most common type of hive, which is called the 10 frame Langstroth beehive. The picture above shows the configuration that I use for my hives. There are four basic components to a beehive. In New England, the beekeeping season is short and the winters are long. Parts of a Hive from the Bottom Up (Click the Links for Pictures) Hive Stand (not pictured) – This is the bottom part of the hive that has an angled landing board for the bees.

Slatted Rack – Position on the hive with the wide board toward the front and the slats on top.Deep Super – This is a large size hive box. Deep Super Frames (with foundation) - These are the heart of the hive. Outer Cover There are plenty of other pieces of equipment you can get once you have the basics down. Copyright © 2011-2014. Hive | Kijiji: Free Classifieds in Ottawa. Find a job, buy a car, find a house or apartment, furniture, appliances and more!

Kits | Dancing Bee Equipment.