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Anti-Environmental Poison Pill Riders. Two Political Trainwrecks in the Making.

Anti-Environmental Poison Pill Riders

And they’re off! Last week, the House and Senate Appropriations Committees finished work on their respective versions of the federal spending bill that funds the Department of the Interior, the EPA and the U.S. Forest Service. Both bills are loaded with ideological riders that would block or eliminate protections for our air, water, climate, public health, endangered species, forests and other public lands. A rider is a provision that either makes a change in law directly or, more commonly, prohibits an agency from using its funds to carry out specific duties under a law or rule. The House Appropriations Committee imbedded nearly 40 anti-environmental riders into its spending bill before it was voted out of the committee on June 15. The Senate Appropriations Committee passed its spending bill on June 16.

Un chat ami avec un cochon nain - 10 novembre 2015. CODODO.

Un chat ami avec un cochon nain - 10 novembre 2015

Squiver News - Marsel van Oosten and Daniella Sibbing. We have changed the location for our Ultimate Bears photo tour in 2012, taking you to Clark National Park.

Squiver News - Marsel van Oosten and Daniella Sibbing

We no longer have to go through Kodiak and lose valuable days; we can offer you direct flights from Anchorage or Soldotna to Lake Clark. This amazing trip will bring you extremely close to wild brown bears, as we photograph them in their natural surroundings, with a rugged backdrop of mountains and glaciers, wild rivers and creeks. We will be staying in a very comfortable lodge, booked exclusively for our group. It is located in Lake Clark, in the middle of over four million acres of wilderness.

L’humain, un « insoutenable » superprédateur. The 15 Greatest Animal GIFs Of 2014. A mille lieues de leur réputation, des rats sauvent des vies en Afrique. Ils sont démineurs ! «Vous les tuez? Débrouillez-vous pour les ramener!» - Le Matin, l'actualité en direct: sports, people, politique, économie, multimédia. Depuis le mois passé, la compagnie South African Airways a décidé d’interdire les trophées de chasse à bord de ses avions.

«Vous les tuez? Débrouillez-vous pour les ramener!» - Le Matin, l'actualité en direct: sports, people, politique, économie, multimédia

Un acte courageux alors que le business de la chasse en Afrique rapporte 200 millions de dollars par an, selon «The Economist». Par exemple, on estime que 1000 lions captifs sont abattus - la plupart par des touristes américains et européens sur le terrain de ranchs sud-africains - chaque année. Il faut payer environ 20 mille dollars pour pouvoir «s’offrir» un lion en captivité et 75 mille pour un animal sauvage.

Mais pour SAA, se faire de l'argent avec ce commerce est devenu exclu. 3 Former Animal Rights ‘Villains’ Who Came to be Heroes for the Movement. Whether you’re working to end the suffering of animals exploited in captivity, on factory farms, or those being hunted to near extinction in the wild, all animal rights advocates have a collective mission: to help animals in need and to minimize our contribution to their suffering as much as possible.

3 Former Animal Rights ‘Villains’ Who Came to be Heroes for the Movement

Those of us who understand these issues have strong beliefs on the matters and we may find ourselves quick to judge, but it’s important we remind ourselves that not everyone is privy to animal welfare issues. In our society, using animals for entertainment, consumption, and a myriad of other uses has been normalized. As such, learning to understand how our actions may harm other creatures can be challenging. Most of us did not begin our lives on this path, as animal welfare advocates, vegans or vegetarians. Breathtaking Photos of Wild Foxes in a Snowy Landscape. Last pangolins. The world is running out of time to save its only scaly mammal.

Last pangolins

Elle pose à côté d’une girafe morte. Les réactions valent de l’or. Rebecca Francis est une américaine qui a pour passion de chasser les animaux sauvages.

Elle pose à côté d’une girafe morte. Les réactions valent de l’or.

Elle se pavane régulièrement aux cotés des cadavres d’animaux fraichement tués et poste les clichés sur les réseaux sociaux. Épinglé par Gerean Pflug sur The Animal Spirits. It's a good day to Smile.


DROITS DES ANIMAUX - STATUTS. ASSO DEFENSE. Kinessa Johnson, la « chasseuse » de braconniers. L’américaine qui traque les braconniers en Afrique est entrain de faire le buzz sur internet, à tort ou à raison.

Kinessa Johnson, la « chasseuse » de braconniers

Avez-vous déjà vu des vaches sauter de joies ? Matteo Walch, 8, strikes remarkable friendship with a clan of marmots in Austria. By Rachel Mcdermott Published: 21:33 GMT, 26 August 2012 | Updated: 09:53 GMT, 28 August 2012 They are notoriously shy around humans, beating their tails and chattering their teeth to try to warn us off before emitting loud whistles to tell other members of their colony to flee.

Matteo Walch, 8, strikes remarkable friendship with a clan of marmots in Austria

But when these alpine marmots see Matteo Walch, they scuttle to his side and show him nothing but affection. Amazing Videos on Animal Rights and Veganism. Pig Escapes Farm, Appears to “Pray” at Buddhist Temple. Website of World Wildlife Day. Stirring Photos Capture The Sad, Soulful Eyes Of Cows Headed To Slaughter. Every day in the U.S., some 100,000 cattle shuffle toward slaughter — with such volume, it's easy to forget that each animal experiences emotions as he's becoming dinner.

Stirring Photos Capture The Sad, Soulful Eyes Of Cows Headed To Slaughter

A series of striking photos shot by the group Toronto Pig Save reminds us that cows have feelings, too. The animals stare out from holes in the truck looking scared and anxious. In some instances, the extreme cold they're exposed to forms icicles on their fur.


LOUTRES. SEA LIONS & SEAL. Asie: polémique autour du gavage extrême des animaux pour la fête du "cochon saint" - Arcinfo Mobile. Tradition. Fisherman accused of shooting pilot whales with WWII-era rifle. NEWARK, N.J. — A tuna fisherman has been accused of shooting at pilot whales from his vessel with a World War II-era rifle. Modal Trigger A shot whale that died after becoming beached in Allenhurst, N.J. in 2011.Photo: AP. Législation sur la détention et le dressage des animaux dans les cirques dans les pays du monde. Argentine : Interdiction de présence de cirques avec animaux dans de nombreuses villes dont Buenos Aires. >> retour carte. Accueil. Ouvrez les yeux. Marine Connection. Why Killer Whales Belong in the Ocean, Not SeaWorld. This Mama Pig Was On The Brink Of Death. When Emma the pig arrived at Apricot Lane Farms in California, she was already in rough shape. The sow was sick and underweight -- and very pregnant.

Farm owner John Chester was told that Emma would be lucky if she had six piglets, but that prediction didn't turn out to be completely accurate. The night Emma went into labor, she gave birth to not six, not seven, not eight piglets, but 17. Out of the 17 born, 13 piglets survived. Chester was stunned. Une population d'orque menacée d'extinction perd deux nouveaux membres - 10 décembre 2014. Marine Debris Deadly to Whales, Dolphins. You might think twice before tossing a piece of plastic into the garbage rather than a recycling bin when you hear how deadly marine debris, such as floating plastic, is to whales, dolphins and other sea creatures. According to a 2014 report published in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin, ingestion of trash has been documented in 56 percent of cetacean species, with rates of ingestion as high as 31 percent in some populations.

Bottlenose dolphins and various species of whales are also common victims of marine debris, with several tragic cases last year alone. That's not surprising considering that millions of tons of plastic items end up in the oceans each day. COVE REPORT – September though December 2014. Compiled by Laura Bridgeman & Mark J. Palmer Save Japan Dolphins Campaign Earth Island Institute TOTALS FOR SEASON, Year to Date (Sept. 1 through end of December 2014): 367 dolphins slaughtered (Risso’s dolphins, pilot whales, striped dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, and one spotted dolphin). 33 caught live for captivity (Spotted dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, Risso’s dolphins & pilot whales). 85 were released (mostly juvenile Risso’s dolphins and pilot whales, which face long odds against survival without the rest of the pod).

TOTALS FOR LAST SEASON 2013-2014, Year to Date (Sept. - Dec. 2013): Matteo Walch, 8, strikes remarkable friendship with a clan of marmots in Austria. Rescued Piglets Play All Day: Why Pigs Are Too Sweet to Eat. Norwegian Guy Plunges Into Frozen Lake To Rescue Drowning Duck. When this bearded badass in Norway saw a duck trapped under the ice on the surface of a lake, he didn’t hesitate to leap into the frigid lake, shattering the ice, rescuing the duck and making a new feathered friend in the process! As crazy as jumping into an icy lake may seem to most of us, that’s exactly what 36-year-old ice bather (and duck rescuer) Lars Jørun Langøien was already there to do anyway. Pigeon - Psychanalyse et animaux. Au Moyen-Âge, l'animal était l'égal de l'Homme. SD teen receives national PETA award. Thanks to his dedicated animal activism, Westview High School’s Zach Affolter recently received high-profile national attention.

The 17-year-old won a Libby Award (short for animal liberation) from peta2, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’s youth division. Affolter’s “Star Street Teamer of the Year” was awarded for his active presence at rallies, marches and other protest events in San Diego and around the country. The teen has rallied against everyone from McDonalds and SeaWorld to the circus and rodeos. He’s even working on novels and writes articles about oceanic animals in captivity. Chasse au bison. UnbisondansuneréservenaturelleduNebraska. A Thousand Bison Sentenced to Die This Winter.

With frigid temperatures and a shrinking food supply, winter can be tough on Yellowstone National Park’s wildlife. And for the area’s 4,900 bison, it’s not just nature’s elements they’re fighting against. Upwards of 1,000 buffalo could meet their demise this winter through either hunting or shipment to slaughterhouses as park officials look to keep the herds contained and avoid a mass migration of the beasts into Montana. Diaphragm injury responsible for hippo's death, autopsy finds.

Taipei, Dec. 29 (CNA) An autopsy confirmed Monday that A He, the hippo that first jumped from a moving truck and later fell several meters, died from a torn diaphragm. Taipei Zoo, which performed the autopsy, said there is a 30-40 centimeter rupture on the right side of the hippo's diaphragm which caused a lung to slip from the chest cavity to the abdominal cavity. A He, who belonged to a private leisure farm in Taichung, was found dead early Monday morning in a pond where it was given shelter since Saturday to recuperate from its series of injuries that started the day before.

On Friday, A He jumped from a truck and broke one of its legs while being transported from a temporary shelter in Miaoli after renovations wrapped up at its enclosure at the Skyzoo recreational farm in Taichung, where it has been kept for eight years. VIDEO. Un hippopotame pleure de douleur après avoir sauté d'un camion à Taïwan. The 15 Greatest Animal GIFs Of 2014. 14 espèces animales disparues - DIAPO. Norwegian Guy Plunges Into Frozen Lake To Rescue Drowning Duck.

Voiceofthevoiceless sur Twitter : "#GoVegan #animals #papanoel #perenoel #animaux #vegetarian... 25 Reasons Not to Fly Air France. Air France is the only major airline in the world that still ships monkeys to their deaths in laboratories. Help us be there for the neediest animals. Côtes-d'Armor : pour le préfet, tout est bon dans le cochon !

Les animaux «doués de sensibilité», l'Assemblée nationale confirme. Celebrating 50 years of The IUCN Red List. Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt unveils Antarctic research strategy in Hobart. Jusqu’où ira la folie des Hommes ? Nouvelle abomination : la Vache a Hublot! Les vaches à hublot oeuvrent pour la science. Suisse : expérience sur des "vaches à hublot" Lori Marino, leader d'une révolution de notre perception des animaux. Lori Marino: Leader of a Revolution in How We Perceive Animals. VoteWatch Europe: European Parliament, Council of the EU. Le Danemark veut interdire complètement la zoophilie. Arctic Bear Productions. Sea Turtle Hatchling HD Camera Feed Goes Live — Check it Out! SEAWORLD & OTHERS. 20 septembre : c'est la journée internationale du panda roux.

Des gilets de signalisation fluorescents pour les poules. Découvrez l'émouvante réaction d'un léopard face au bébé de sa proie. Polémique autour de la mort de la panthère des neiges. Le sort tragique des chiens errants de Kaboul. Bouquetins du Bargy - communiqué de presse S.Royal.


Indonésie : menace sur le dragon de Komodo, le plus grand lézard au monde. Les grands carnivores essentiels à l'équilibre des écosystèmes. Capture of Alberta’s feral horses to go ahead. PÉTITIONS PROTECTION ANIMALE. CHIENS CHATS. Corridas - Tauromachie. LOUPS. PHOTOS. OISEAUX. FELINS. Species At Risk Act: Court Finds 'Enormous Systemic Problem' In Enforcement. CAPTIVITE. ELEPHANTS RHINOS. SINGES.