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Twab - the tiddly wiki address book. MonkeyPirateTiddlyWiki - some plugins and hacks for tiddlywiki (2.0.10) * A tiddler's tags are show ''above'' the tiddlers title (instead of in a right-floated box). \n* A tiddler's tagging list is shown ''below'' the tiddlers content (instead of in a left-floated box). \n* When editing a tiddler the tags edit box is above the tiddler content (instead of below). \nThese layout changes are done with small changes to ViewTemplate (See TagglyTaggingViewTempplate) and EditTemplate (see TagglyTaggingEditTemplate) and with some CSS from TagglyTaggingStyles.

\n The default TW tagging macro is called "tagging". TagglyTagging provides an enhanced version of this called "tagglyTagging". The "New Here" button is optional but very useful. This is also optional. TagglyTagging (also known as "TagglyWiki Style Tagging") is set of plugins, templates and styles you can install in your TiddlyWiki that let you use tagging in powerful and useful ways. Actually a lot less than there used to be since TiddlyWiki version 2.0! See TagglyTaggingHistory. sdfdfg Mmm... beer\n[img[XXXX|.. MonkeyPirateTiddlyWiki - some plugins and hacks for tiddlywiki (2.0.10)

Gestion du temps GTD

Discover Yourself! Pmario's - homespace. TagSearch - your new way of tagging. RTBF « L'Odyssée de l'espèce », début de l'histoire : du R. TreeView. Bienvenue sur le wiki du FuturdK ! - Une autre vision du dKSystem. //... {{{//}}}dK-Host-33-8852> Call juarez@colombia.uni\nModem en attente......... \nUNI... 98.... 54... SGKLI..... \nAnswer in 12 µs\n\nWelcome to colombia system\n{{{//}}}juarez@colombia.uni >//\n\n! Activités sociales\n\nBon alors ça y est ? Ttu sais qui tu es et ce que tu sais faire ? Et tu crois que ça suffit mon gars ?

\nN'oublie jamais une chose : tu es qui tu connais. Lunettes noires et gros flingue, l'Agent gouvernemental fait son métier et ne pose jamais de question. *Flic de rue\n|>|! Faire des persos c'est rigolo mais pour certains c'est quand même un peu chiant. Qu'il s'agisse d'un combattant ascète adepte de méditation, d'un bagarreur de bistrot toujours prêt à cogner son prochain ou d'un gladiateur des bas-fonds, l'Artiste Martial est un guerrier qui vit pour la confrontation. !!!

FND's DevPad - Experimental TiddlyWiki Projects (eternally work in progress) TiddlyVault - An index of TiddlyWiki extensions from.


Discover Yourself! Nanette's Public KnowlegeBase - All the stuff I need to remember... Moveable.html - TiddlyWiki v2.6.4 plus MoveablePanelPackage a TiddlyTools QuickStart™ document. All rights retained. Tobias Beer's TiddlySpace - Martin's wiki - Martin Budden's plugins and extensions for TiddlyWiki. VisualTW - Wysiwyg, tabs, fields editor and encryption plugins.

On VisualTW, you will find several plugins for TiddlyWiki Wysiwyg edition EasyEdit, a lite and fully integrated solution.FCKEditor, a more powerful solution, but requires an external component (FCKeditor).Externalize, to edit tiddlers in your favorite application like html editor, text or word processor, javascript IDE, css editor, ...Externalize requires Firefox and it's All Text! Extension.A demo of these different plugins is available here. Tabs, fields, encryption, ... Encrypted vault, protects a whole wiki with a single password. All the content is encrypted with RC4 algorithm. Try it on demo page.Fields editor, adds edit buttons to fields popup. Yktree - a TiddlySpace. Bookmarks - a TiddlySpace. TagSearch - your new way of tagging. My Notes TiddlyWiki 2.02 - Another useful TiddlyWiki resource from. Welcome to TiddlyWiki created by Jeremy Ruston, Copyright © 2007 UnaMesa Association <div id="javascriptWarning">This page requires JavaScript to function properly.

</p><p>If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer you may need to click on the yellow bar above and select 'Allow Blocked Content'. You must then click 'Yes' on the following security warning. </div> Background: #fff Foreground: #000 PrimaryPale: #8cf PrimaryLight: #18f PrimaryMid: #04b PrimaryDark: #014 SecondaryPale: #ffc SecondaryLight: #fe8 SecondaryMid: #db4 SecondaryDark: #841 TertiaryPale: #eee TertiaryLight: #ccc TertiaryMid: #999 TertiaryDark: #666 Error: #f88 <!

These InterfaceOptions for customising TiddlyWiki are saved in your browser Your username for signing your edits. |''Type:''|file| |''URL:''| |''Workspace:''|(default)| This tiddler was automatically created to record the details of this server ~TiddlyWiki is © 2006 [[osmosoft| ! Folders - a TiddlySpace. Discourse v3 - a notebook on politics, government, political economics and international relations. TiddlyWiki in Action - A showcase of TiddlyWikis used creatively around the world.

Desktop Tiddlywiki

Help. Moveable.html - TiddlyWiki v2.6.4 plus MoveablePanelPackage a TiddlyTools QuickStart™ document. All rights retained.