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Gates of Heaven. Physchology.

Meaning of Life

Spiritual Ascension. Higher self. Traveling. Traveling. Life & Philosophy. Nature and Animals. Animals. Gardens. Methods Jesus Used..Don't run before Him, not aside from Him, but. God. Pearls of Wisdom. Wise Quotes. Bible Quotes. Religion and Philosophy. Holy Grail. Sports & Fitness. Everyday life. Flowers outside 10:14:12 Sun.

Adventure. Useful Bible quotes. Pineal Gland. Soul. Ascension 2012. The Pineal Gland - The "Seat of the Soul"? Wonderful article, that needs to be shared! Entirely by Gary Vey (, After writing se... Wonderful article, that needs to be shared! Entirely by Gary Vey (, After writing several articles on reincarnation and enlightenment, many readers asked me why I never mentioned the significance of the pineal gland -- a small structure about the size of a pea, located in the middle of the brain. Descartes was obsessed with understanding who we are. He observed that the senses can be fooled, that most of what we think we know is really illusion and finally struggled with the possibility that our own identity as individuals was also not real.

His famous statement endures: Cogno ergo sum -- I think, therefore I am. Although the soul is joined with the entire body, there is one part of the body [the pineal] in which it exercises its function more than elsewhere... Today, with an understanding of computers, we might take issue with Descartes. Brain Sand. Meditation, Binaural Beats and Yoga are scientific researched. They work! Raise Your Vibrational Frequency. Activating the Pineal Gland: Opening Your Third Eye. Spiritual Ascension. Transition ascension. i1) SPIRITISME (Allan KARDEC) (Médias) Working with Chakras | The Spirit Science. Waterfalls. Musics. Viedos. Instrumental.

Outdoors. Beaches. Crafts. Visual Art.