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Waterproof Fire Starter - StumbleUpon. I have seen many examples of fire starters, but I wanted to try and make one that was made out of only primitive materials.

Waterproof Fire Starter - StumbleUpon

I wanted to make sure that it was small and waterproof. Also, it could be used with any primitive coal producing method of fire making, like the hand drill or bow drill, as well as more modern methods, like steel and flint, Ferrocerium Rods, matches and lighters. Here is what I did . . . . Supplies: 1. Swedish Fire Log. Mountaineering and Mountain Survival - Knots. Knots All knots used by a mountaineer are divided into four classes: Class I—joining knots, Class II—anchor knots, Class III—middle rope knots, and Class IV—special knots. The variety of knots, bends, bights, and hitches is almost endless. These classes of knots are intended only as a general guide since some of the knots discussed may be appropriate in more than one class. The skill of knot tying can perish if not used and practiced. With experience and practice, knot tying becomes instinctive and helps the mountaineer in many situations.

Natural "char cloth"