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Perfect French Fries. These are the facts of the case and they are undisputed: 1.

Perfect French Fries

French fries are delicious. 2. French fries dipped in a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise are divine. 3. 4. 5. I love lists. But it’s really true, guys: to get perfectly golden french fries that are soft in the middle and crisp on the surface, plunging potatoes straight into oil just doesn’t work. Not that I’ve ever walked away from any form of fried potato. But once you try french fries the way they’re meant to be made—and the way they’re made by most restaurants and fast food chains—you’ll have a hard time not trying to find ways to work french fries into your weekly menu.

Begin by peeling five pounds of potatoes, then cut them into sticks. Soaking the sliced potatoes is the fundamental first step of making proper french fries. Note: Because somewhere along the way I got into the habit of planning ahead for fries, I usually wind up soaking the fries for several hours, or even overnight. You don’t need this, though. Dig in! Homemade Microwave Popcorn. Yes, homemade microwave popcorn, and it really works!

Homemade Microwave Popcorn

I was skeptical. I didn’t believe it could be that easy, but IT IS! Lisa, from Snack Girl, has shared her how-to for Homemade Microwave Popcorn. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3: Put 1/4 cup popcorn in a brown paper bag. With this system of microwave popping, you can: control the amount of salt and butterreuse the paper bag again and againsave money from buying the corn kernels, which yields a lot more popcornpop popcorn fast, without getting out the heavy machinery I just can’t get enough of this popcorn, we make it all the time! Tagged as: healthy snack, popcorn, snack Written by Marie LeBaron Marie is founder and managing editor of Make and Takes, and author of the book, Make and Takes for Kids. Protein Bars. There are plenty of reasons to make your own protein bars. First, it’s economical ! You’ll save a lot of money, particularly if you have a habit of buying single bars one a time. Even better, you can customize your bars to your taste preferences, avoid any allergens, and leave out ingredients you don’t want.

You can make a bar with high quality protein, whole grains, real nuts or fruit, flaxseeds, whichever sweetener you prefer, and skip all the long-named chemical ingredients (preservatives and fortifications) that you may not need or want in your snack. Plus, they taste awesome if you have a good recipe! These bars provide healthy fats from natural peanut butter and flaxseed. Preheat oven to 350°F. Makes 6 servings Per serving: 195 calories, 11 g total fat, 2 g saturated fat, 5 mg cholesterol, 14 g total carbohydrate, 4 g dietary fiber, 12 g protein, 218 mg sodium.

Can you think of another protein bar flavor you’d like to see? Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Double Rich Chocolate.