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Sweet saturday: one minute peanut butter cake. Picture this scene: it’s 8:30 in the evening.

sweet saturday: one minute peanut butter cake

The sky is just starting to get dark outside your living room window. You ate a delicious, healthy and veggie-filled dinner a few hours ago and now you are ready to sit down to the most recent episode of So You Think You Can Dance and dive into a decadent plate of dessert. Oh wait, you have no dessert. No chocolate, no cookies, no ice cream, no cake, no pie, not even a Jordan almond. Safe-to-Eat Cookie Dough. I’m siiiiick.

Safe-to-Eat Cookie Dough

If you follow Willow Bird Baking on Facebook or Twitter (you do, right?) , you’ve probably heard me whining about it lately (okay, maybe this isn’t the best way to encourage you to follow). It started with a sore throat and has turned into a beastly, phlegmatic ogre of a cold that has taken up residence in my chest and commenced hanging draperies and such. I have protested this development with various hot teas, soups, and my favorite home remedy suggested by readers: complaining.

Three Safe-to-Eat Cookie Doughs: Chocolate Chip, Sugar, and Cake Batter! 5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake.