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Recycled BIC Pen Vase Most Popular Posts.


Pillows. Frames/walls. Egg Shell Mosaic Vase. When Easter is over and all the colored eggs have been collected, you will undoubtedly be making egg salad and tossing all those pretty colorful shells in the garbage or the compost pile.

Egg Shell Mosaic Vase

Well don’t toss them away just yet! Let them air dry on some paper towels and set them aside in a shallow bowl. Then you can make a pretty egg shell mosaic project, maybe even a vase like this! My good friends over at DecoArt sent me a bottle of their brand new decoupage medium to try out. Mini Vase. Quick!

Mini Vase

Can you guess what this tiny bud vase is made from? I'll give you one clue: with the right moves, it can be turned into an animal*.