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Angular — How to solve the Full-calendar module loading issue. The full-calendar module issue is very frustrating to solve when integrating a full-calendar module into the app.

Angular — How to solve the Full-calendar module loading issue

The error comes out and shows like ‘’net : : ERR_ABORTED’’. How to resolve this error in the full-calendar module? First, let us have a look at what is angular and why the full-calendar module is used? What is Angular? Elementor vs Divi WordPress Page Builder Comparison (2021) Nowadays, every successful business has a successful website to showcase their ability and products.

Elementor vs Divi WordPress Page Builder Comparison (2021)

To make a successful website, nearly every company uses Wordpress for web development. Wordpress is an open-source software used to build websites like business websites, eCommerce stores, blogs, portfolios, and forums. The two most popular plugins for Wordpress used to build the website are Elementor and Divi. There are millions of websites using Elementor and Divi to develop their websites for ease. Today, almost every business uses Wordpress plugins like Elementor and Divi to build the website. Node.js vs Python: Which backend technology to choose in 2021? Building a successful web application is directly depend on the developers.

Node.js vs Python: Which backend technology to choose in 2021?

Backend technology depends on the developer’s training and fluency in a particular technology like Node.js and Python. It can be a factor to choose the right backend technology but not be only one factor. The Top TEN WordPress Security Threats and Their Solutions. Wordpress is currently top used CMS (Content management software) In the world.

The Top TEN WordPress Security Threats and Their Solutions

Top business uses the wordpress for their website management. Not only top business but from startup to corporate all uses Wordpress. But the more it is popular, the more risk it gets to be hacked. 7 Key Points to keep in mind before Hiring Android Developer. The mobile app market is always at its peak.

7 Key Points to keep in mind before Hiring Android Developer

It’s graph always on leading rate, and it will be. With the increase in demand for mobile apps for various types of business, from shopping to booking tickets, more and more app developers are needed. Here around 80% are android apps market share. Android apps are used widely in the world. How to secure your Laravel App?. Choosing the best framework for… Choosing the best framework for application is a complicated process in any project development.

How to secure your Laravel App?. Choosing the best framework for…

For web development, PHP is the oldest and famous language. PHP scripting language has various frameworks like Laravel, CakePHP, Slim, CodeIgniter, etc. 10 Best WordPress Plugins every Website needs in 2021. WordPress is mainly used for CMS and for building websites.

10 Best WordPress Plugins every Website needs in 2021

Building a WordPress website is not an easy thing. Various sites need various plugins for optimization, security, performance, and development. Some plugins are free, and some are premium. Choose the Best 10 React Native Database for Your App. It’s the generation of mobile phones, and most people use mobile for various kinds of tasks.

Choose the Best 10 React Native Database for Your App

People use mobile phones to interact with apps. So, without apps, mobile is just hardware without software. To make mobile apps, developers generally follow different approaches. There are lots of development software, but React Native is the best of them. 10 simple Tips to Improve Your Website’s User Experience. User experience is everything for all kinds of websites.

10 simple Tips to Improve Your Website’s User Experience

It directly affects the business growth, the overall mood of the user, overall traffic, user retention, and user attention. The excellent user experience is equal to the growth and traffic of the website. What is User Experience? Difference Between Joomla Vs. WordPress Vs. Drupal. Having a website is a necessary thing for today’s businesses and industries.

Difference Between Joomla Vs. WordPress Vs. Drupal

To build a website or write a blog, you will need a cost-saving and easy CMS (content management system) to suit your website and blog. Wordpress, Joomla, and Drupal are the top free CMSs used worldwide. Wordpress used more than 33% of websites all over the world. So, you will get confused, which one to select for your blog or website. After reading this article, you will get an idea, which one to choose. Top 8 Benefits of Using Node.js For Real-Time App Development. The trends are constantly changing in the world. Nowadays, users expect more from an application. Users need things done at the same time.

You can see that nearly all applications are now based on real-time functions. Real-time apps also engage more users too. There are many real-time applications currently being used worldwide like Live GPS location, Real-time messaging, real time tracking, live streaming, notifications, and others. How To Clean A Hacked Wordpress Website Or Blog. A bad dream of every website owner is a hacked wordpress website. A hacked wordpress website leads to less traffic, loss of revenue, damaged and stolen data, and brand reputation. Hacking of a website can be done via injecting malicious scripts, codes, and bots into the website via contact forms, search bars, and default pages. Most of the website uses wordpress to develop it.

Sometimes wordpress developers forgot to put security and failed to use security plugins, firewalls, and other security protocols. Top 15 Cutting-edge Node.js Development Tools to Must Use in 2021. With the technologies are rapidly improving, it is now becoming easier to develop apps with faster speed and in a more effective way. If we talk about node.js, it has a variety of tools that helps to create apps with rich features and quickly. Node.js and its modules help a lot in the development of appellations. With the help of node.js, developers can build both client and server-side applications. Node.js was founded by Ryan Dahl in 2009 using a JavaScript environment. The Top TEN WordPress Security Threats and Their Solutions. Wordpress is currently top used CMS (Content management software) In the world. Top business uses the wordpress for their website management. Not only top business but from startup to corporate all uses wordpress. But the more it is popular, the more risk it gets to be hacked.

Best 8 Ultimate WordPress Plugins for Social Media 2021. Social media plugins are the essential part of wordpress not related to the business niche. If you are trying to get massive success without the help of social media, then it can be challenging, or for the current generation, it is impossible. So, social media plays a vital role on wordpress websites to develop business and its reputation. Don’t get discouraged by the followers you got on social media, and others got more followers or more views.