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La maman et la putain sont de retour, par Mona Chollet. On a pu avoir l’impression, au cours des derniers mois, que certaines cinéastes françaises s’étaient donné pour mission de montrer aux jeunes filles des classes moyennes et populaires comment conjurer le sort qu’elles redoutent : des études inutiles, ou pas d’études du tout, suivies d’une longue vie de travail ingrat pour un salaire dérisoire. Il ne s’agissait évidemment pas de les encourager à faire une lecture critique de leur situation : il y a des riches et des pauvres, il y en a toujours eu, il y en aura toujours ; c’est une donnée stable dans l’histoire de l’humanité. Ou à peu près stable, du moins, puisqu’il n’aura échappé à personne récemment que les pauvres devenaient plus pauvres et les riches, plus riches. Cela pourrait laisser soupçonner que certains mécanismes politiques sont à l’œuvre dans cet état de fait. Mais y trouver à redire relèverait d’un populisme de mauvais goût, surtout pour une charmante demoiselle, quelle horreur !

Après la maman, la putain.


Op-ed: Seth MacFarlane Isn't The Problem. The host wasn't being a chauvinist on Oscar night. He was calling out Hollywood's long-ingrained chauvinism. I always watch the Oscars. As a devotee of the movies, I like to guess the winners, see the awards given out, hear the acceptance speeches, see what kind of politics are in play. I also like the women. I like to see what they are wearing, their hair, the jewelry, the whole girly thing. It’s a sensory experience for me, the Oscars. When I watched on Sunday, I was eager to see how a new host would change it up. I like Seth MacFarlane as a comedian and as a political animal. When the ratings came in, it was clear they’d made the right choice: Ratings were the highest in years and there was a 20% bump in the key demographic.

But another demographic was unhappy. Whoa! MacFarlane did what good awards hosts do — he ripped the status quo a new one. There was also the joke MacFarlane made about George Clooney, one of many Hollywood men regularly dating much younger women. VICTORIA A. The Banality of Seth MacFarlane's Sexism and Racism at the Oscars - Spencer Kornhaber. The host's feeble wisecracking may have been meant to provoke, but provoke what? Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP The best moment of Seth MacFarlane's Oscars hosting gig may have come late in the night when, in announcing Meryl Streep, he said "our next presenter needs no introduction" ... and then just walked away. If only he'd kept his mouth shut more frequently. That's not to say the Family Guy and Ted creator made for an out-and-out terrible host.

His lack of nervousness, his throwbacky radio-broadcaster voice, and his clean looks added up to a charisma score greater than zero, which is more than could have been said for James Franco. But then William Shatner was beamed in for a Family Guy-esque experiment in the meta. Captain Kirk had come from the future to reveal that the headlines the next day would proclaim MacFarlane the worst Oscar host ever, unless he changed his routine.

From there, the jokes just got more and more... well, what's the word? Seth MacFarlane and the Oscars' Hostile, Ugly, Sexist Night. Watching the Oscars last night meant sitting through a series of crudely sexist antics led by a scrubby, self-satisfied Seth MacFarlane. That would be tedious enough. But the evening’s misogyny involved a specific hostility to women in the workplace, which raises broader questions than whether the Academy can possibly get Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to host next year. It was unattractive and sour, and started with a number called “We Saw Your Boobs.” “We Saw Your Boobs” was a song-and-dance routine in which MacFarlane and some grinning guys named actresses in the audience and the movies in which their breasts were visible.

The song was part of a larger skit whose premise was that William Shatner, as Captain Kirk, sends MacFarlane a message from the future about the dumb things he might do while hosting the Oscars. The Academy is supposedly a trade group, and yet it devoted its opening number to degrading a good part of its membership. How old is that? Photograph by Christopher Polk/Getty. George Packer: The Political Isolation of the American South. The New Year’s Day vote in Congress that brought a temporary truce to the fiscal wars showed the Republicans to be far more divided than the Democrats, and the division broke along regional lines.

House Republicans from the Far West and from the Northeast favored the Senate’s compromise bill by large margins, and Midwesterners were split; but in the South, Republican opposition was overwhelming, 81–12, accounting for more than half of the total Republican “no” votes. In other words, Republicans outside the South have begun to turn pink, following the political tendencies of the country as a whole, but Southern Republicans, who dominate the Party and its congressional leadership, remain deep scarlet. These numbers reveal something more than the character of today’s Republican Party; a larger historical shift is under way. For a century after losing the Civil War, the South was America’s own colonial backwater—“not quite a nation within a nation, but the next thing to it,” W. J. Reforming the French Labor Market: Who cares about the unemployed?

By Radu Vranceanu, Professor of Economics at ESSEC The French labor market has all the characteristics of the South-European model. In particular, it features a “dual” structure, withabout 90% of total employment hired under so-called “unspecified-duration contracts” or “contract à durée indeterminée”, the rest being hired under various forms of temporary contracts with a restricted use. However, the “unspecified duration” label is misleading: while this term would hint that the contract can be broken at any time, in France this means that the contract cannot be terminated by the employer unless very stringent conditions are fulfilled.

In France a firm can’t just downsize to improve the performance if it already does well. When it took office in 2007, the former right-wing government claimed that the reform of the labor market was one of its top priorities. If through these reforms firms get some additional flexibility, workers within the firm or insiders get additional advantages. D. Sartre and Camus in New York. The Stone is a forum for contemporary philosophers and other thinkers on issues both timely and timeless. In December 1944, Albert Camus, then editor of Combat, the main newspaper of the French Resistance, made Jean-Paul Sartre an offer he couldn’t refuse: the job of American correspondent. Perhaps, in light of the perpetual tension and subsequent acrimonious split between the two men, he was glad to get him out of Paris. What is certain is that Sartre was delighted to go. He’d had enough of the austerities and hypocrisies of post-liberation France and had long fantasized about the United States.

Camus himself would make the trip soon after, only to return with a characteristically different set of political, philosophical and personal impressions. The Chrysler and Empire State buildings seemed to Sartre to be like ancient ruins. In some sense, existentialism was going home. Cecil Beaton/Conde Nast Archive — CorbisAlbert Camus Cecil Beaton/Conde Nast Archive — CorbisJean-Paul Sartre. G20 : peut mieux faire ! On s’attendait au pire avec le G20 de Los Cabos. Ce ne fut pas le cas. Mais cette édition ne laissera pas de souvenir impérissable. Dès son ouverture le G20 de Los Cabos a reçu un cadeau qui lui a fait du bien : les résultats de l’élection grecque de dimanche ont provisoirement ôté une épine du pied aux Européens qui auraient été soumis à une pression encore plus forte si les élections avaient vu la victoire des adversaires de la Troïka. Sur le dossier crucial de la crise économique européenne, le G20 a donné lieu à des échanges vifs et houleux, notamment entre certains dirigeants et Angela Merkel.

Plusieurs pays, notamment le Canada, le Royaume-Uni, mais aussi les Etats-Unis, ont fait part de leurs fortes inquiétudes envers l’euro et leur manque de confiance dans la capacité politique des institutions et des leaders européens à résoudre la crise dans les temps impartis par les marchés financiers. À noter que ceci n’est pas un chèque en blanc. . © Telos. Le logement neuf s'enfonce dans la crise en France. La liste des « gens honnêtes » qui voulaient ficher tous les Français. Le Conseil constitutionnel a estimé que le fichier des "gens honnêtes" (sic) comprenant l'état civil, ainsi que les empreintes digitales, et la photographie numérisée, des détenteurs de la future carte nationale d'identité électronique (CNIE), « a porté au droit au respect de la vie privée une atteinte qui ne peut être regardée comme proportionnée au but poursuivi », et qu'il était « contraire à la Constitution ».

Les Sages ont donc censuré 6 des 12 articles de la proposition de loi sur la protection de l'identité, adoptée au dernier jour de la session parlementaire du quinquennat de Nicolas Sarkozy et ce, malgré l'opposition du Sénat qui, au cours des 5 navettes parlementaires (un record), n'avait eu de cesse de s'opposer à l'exploitation policière de ce fichier des "gens honnêtes". Un "danger pour les libertés publiques" Comme c'est -hélas- trop souvent le cas, les députés ont donc surtout voté en fonction des consignes de leurs partis plutôt qu'en leur âme et conscience. Comedy. I’m going to talk about comedy here, but it won’t be funny. Or maybe it will be. Or maybe you can blow it out your ass and see if I give a shit, because it’s my article and you’re basically trespassing.

Did you think of that? Did you think you were going to just waltz in here and be served tea and biscuits by some well-dressed article from Vienna or San Francisco, whose sole existence was centered around massaging your TV-deadened brain and telling you that you look nice in that shirt, which you very much do not? Did you? Is that what you thought? Oh great, are you crying?

I’m sorry, this is no way to begin an article. And who are you, my lovely reader? Shit. Attempt Number Three: I’m just going to tell the truth from here forward because I think that might be more useful to a reader (like Susan) who is truly interested in comedy. As a comedian, I talk about comedy all the time, every day, with comedians and noncomedians. Les Martiennes. Le portail de la modernisation de l'Etat.