Top Quality LASIK Surgery In Orange County. How to Prepare For Your Orange County LASIK Procedure. Are you ready to get the clear vision of your dreams with the help of a LASIK procedure?
If so, congratulations! You’re one step closer to finally being able to kiss those pesky glasses and contacts goodbye. However, correctly preparing for your procedure is just as important as the surgery itself. Discussing Hyperopia: What it is and How a Los Angeles LASIK Procedure Can Help. Did you know refractive errors are among the most popular vision problems affecting Americans’ eyesight?
In fact, around 150 million Americans experience poor vision due to a refractive error. In order to see, our corneas bend light into our retinas in order to process images. In the case of refractive errors, there’s typically something amiss with the structure of your eye that’s causing you to be unable to perceive things correctly, resulting in blurry vision.
There are several different types of refractive errors, with one of them being hyperopia. Here, we’ll be going over everything you need to know about this condition, including what it is and how a Los Angeles LASIK eye surgery can fix it. What is hyperopia? Hyperopia is also commonly referred to as farsightedness. As previously stated, refractive errors occur when the structure of your eyes doesn’t allow for light to be properly bent. Diagnosing and treating hyperopia. Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Undergo Your LASIK Surgery During The Winter. When it comes to getting Lasik eye surgery, there’s a lot of questions you may have before scheduling your procedure, including whether or not there is an optimal time of year to get the surgery done.
In all honesty, whatever works best with your schedule is going to be the most ideal, but there are certain advantages to undergoing this surgery in winter compared to the other seasons. Read below to discover all the reasons why winter just might be the best time to finally get your LASIK surgery done.
Recovery in the winter While recovery for LASIK is generally quick and pain-free no matter what time of year you undergo the procedure, there may be some advantages to getting it done in the wintertime specifically. This has to do with the fact that a majority of people elect to stay indoors due to the colder temperatures. Enjoy your spring and summer A lot of social events pop up during the spring and summer like vacations, weddings, graduations, and more!
Stay on top of your resolutions. Why You Should Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes After Your LASIK Procedure. If you’ve undergone laser eye surgery by a Los Angeles LASIK professional, you might already be familiar with the fact that rubbing your eyes is a big no-no.
After all, you were probably given strict instructions to not touch your eyes the first couple of weeks after surgery so as to not interrupt your recovery. But did you know that rubbing your eyes is actually very dangerous for other reasons that have nothing to do with harming the incisions from your surgery? That’s right, this simple act most of us do daily for itchy eye relief can cause us more harm than good and lead to various eye issues well after your recovery period is over.
Why rubbing our eyes is dangerous The main reason why rubbing your eyes is dangerous is because of the damage it can cause to your cornea. Aside from the corneal damage rubbing your eyes can cause, it should also be avoided for sanitary and cosmetic reasons. What can we do instead of rubbing our eyes? Breaking Down Popular Concerns About Getting LASIK.
It’s very common for LASIK candidates to be excited for their upcoming procedure, but it’s also very common to have certain fears or concerns too.
If you are curious about getting LASIK in Los Angeles, but are on the fence about certain aspects of it, we’re going to help calm your nerves. It’s understandable to be afraid of a surgery that involves your eyes, two of the most delicate organs you have. 8 Ways LASIK Eye Surgery Can Benefit You. LASIK surgeons in Los Angeles understand that our eyes are one of the most important tools we possess as humans because we use them in everything that we do.
LASIK eye surgery provides people with the freedom to take on new challenges and activities that they couldn’t previously do because of poor eyesight. There are a number of reasons someone would choose to have such a life-changing procedure. If you are currently deciding whether or not LASIK eye surgery is a good idea, you should talk to a LASIK surgeon. In the meantime, take a look at the following Athletics Athletes with poor eyesight understand the struggles of wearing glasses during physical activity. Swimming People who wear glasses and contacts understand the struggles that go along with swimming. Convenience One of the most unappealing factors of glasses and contact lenses is maintenance. Cost Contact Lenses are Problematic Over time, people typically recognize how problematic contact lenses can be.
Career Enhancer. Maintain Your LASIK Vision Results With These Six Habits. Good eye health starts with healthy habits.
If you plan on receiving LASIK from an Orange County LASIK surgeon, then maintaining good eye health after your procedure is even more vital to maintain your newly cleared and improved vision for years to come. Here are some easy healthy habits you can implement into your life today to help keep your eyes in top shape. Have a Healthy Diet It’s no secret that having a good diet is integral for our overall health. In terms of eye health, eating foods like green leafy vegetables, fish high in oil, non meat protein like eggs and nuts, citrus fruits, oysters, and pork may help your eyes in the long run. Refrain From Smoking Most people may not associate eye health with smoking, but it’s actually a very dangerous habit because it can damage the optic nerve and increase the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
Protect Your Eyes From UV Rays Like our skin, our eyes are very sensitive to the sun’s harmful UV rays. How to Research For Your LASIK Procedure. Good research is crucial for anyone considering undergoing LASIK.
You have to be well informed so you are able to make the best decision for your vision and your health. However, researching LASIK is an extensive and overwhelming process with all the information available online, especially if you don’t know where to start or the best way to go about it. To help make the process easier for you, here are a couple of suggestions that can make your research easier and help you find the best laser eye surgery center in Los Angeles. Only trust medically accurate and credible sites. Four Things to Know Before Getting LASIK From A Los Angeles LASIK Surgeon. Have you considered undergoing eye surgery from a Los Angeles LASIK professional but need a little more clarification on the process before committing to making a decision?
The decision to get LASIK can seem a little difficult, especially if you are particularly unaware of the ins and outs of the process. If this sounds like you, no worries! Keep reading to find the answers to some commonly asked questions about this incredibly life changing procedure. Learn About Common Ocular Diseases from a LASIK Expert in Los Angeles.
When you speak to LASIK experts in Los Angeles about ocular diseases, you will learn that there are many different types and that some of them have very similar symptoms.
The best way to evaluate your eye health is to attend yearly eye examinations and consult your eye care professional about any recurring symptoms. However, it can be helpful to learn a little about common ocular conditions and what differentiates them from each other. Learn How Getting LASIK Surgery in Los Angeles Can Change Your Life. Vision affects nearly every aspect of our lives, from our daily routines to our hobbies and career goals, which is why so many people with poor eyesight eventually seek out LASIK surgery in Los Angeles.
For individuals that suffer from myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), or astigmatism, the initial solution is to get prescription lenses. Around 75 percent of adults rely on glasses or contacts to get through their day. However, there is a certain inconvenience that comes with corrective eyewear. How many times do people lose or break their glasses, forget to take out their contacts, or restrict their outdoor activities because of their eyesight? Unfortunately, this becomes quite commonplace. The good news is that alternative vision correction solutions like LASIK have become quite accessible to people with these problems, and the results are astounding. 6-3 Advantages of Custom Laser Eye Surgery.
How to Prevent Ocular and Visual Migraines, A LASIK Expert in Los Angeles Gives Advice. What to Expect from Your PRK Recovery from LASIK Los Angeles Clinics. While LASIK is a very common refractive surgery used to correct vision problems, there are a few others that can achieve the same goal with slightly different methods. PRK or photorefractive keratectomy is an alternative laser eye surgery that can also treat astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness. The success rate for PRK procedures at the LASIK clinics in Los Angeles is high and many candidates who are not eligible for LASIK are able to achieve their vision goals through PRK. While LASIK and PRK overlap in some respects, they are not the same.