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Deck over conditioned space

Facebook Twitter EPDM Roofing - Coverings. While Conservation Technology EPDM is a tough material that can withstand frequent foot traffic and considerable abuse, it can be easily cut with a sharp object.

EPDM Roofing - Coverings

When a roof is to be used as a recreational deck, it should always be covered with a hard wear surface. Covering the rubber will prolong its life by shielding it from the sun, can reduce heat transmission into the building, can protect the roof from falling branches, can improve the fire resistance of the roof, and can enhance the appearance of the building. BSI-043: Don't Be Dense—Cellulose and Dense-Pack Insulation.

I love cellulose insulation.1 In fact, I love all insulations.

BSI-043: Don't Be Dense—Cellulose and Dense-Pack Insulation

The more insulation, the better. There is no such thing as a bad insulation, only bad applications.2 But, it irritates the heck out of me when folks say stuff that is not true, particularly salesmen.3 Normally, I keep quiet and move on but sometimes the nonsense can result in real damage, particularly the stuff about “dense pack” cellulose insulation. I do not have a problem with dense packing walls. In fact, dense packing walls typically results in remarkable performance. It is the dense packing of unvented cathedral ceilings or unvented flat roofs that is the problem.