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Antizion - Informed articles about the State of Israel. The Israeli Lobby - A Danger To The World - Banned Documentary update and bonus material. The Insanity of Christian Zionism!


Unterdrückung. Bitte Hinterfragen. War profiteering: a cancer upon America. By End the Lie The Occupy Wall Street protesters and those marching in solidarity with them throughout the nation are attempting to fight back against the top 1% of earners who have hijacked our nation and turned what is claimed to be a democracy into a plutocracy rife with corruption and corporatist policies. While the Occupy Wall Street movement seems to be focusing mostly on the banking interests that have run our economy into the ground while raking in staggering profits, there remains a sub-set of the 1% that needs to be identified and exposed. This sub-set is the 0.01%, the executives that take in astounding sums of money, leverage tens of millions in lobbying money to control our so-called representatives all to the detriment of the American people, the American economy, and the world at large.

They profit at the expense of the American taxpayer, off the lives of American soldiers, and from death and destruction around the globe. Top Search Terms Used to Find This Page: Navy Develops Hypervelocity Projectile Weapon. By Madison Ruppert The Office of Naval Research – the same entity which runs the Naval Research Laboratory, developers of the unbelievable Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot (SAFFiR) – apparently was not satisfied with their already astounding Electromagnetic Rail Gun. A 5,600 mph electrically fired bullet apparently wasn’t enough, thus forcing the Office of Naval Research (ONR) to create one which also can be guided by Global Positioning System (GPS). To set the bar even higher, if such a thing is possible, the United States Navy also wants to make this technology compatible with all of the Navy’s current artillery guns.

This technology apparently has so much promise that Admiral Gary Roughead, former top officer in the Navy, said of technology like this as well as lasers (which have already cost the taxpayer billions), “You’re beginning, maybe, to see the end of the dominance of the missile.” The Truthseeker: Behind the headlines – conspiracies, cover-ups, ancient mysteries and more. Real news and perspectives that you won't find in the mainstream media. Zeitgeist Deutschland. Zeitgeist Series. Zeitgeist: The Movie. Zeitgeist: Addendum. 9\11 and more. September 11th, 2001.

9/11. Slavery past, today & future, NWO. New World Order. Illuminati (NWO) Global Elite.